College/Career Reps & Workshops

College/Career Rep Visits @ FTHS

Visits from college and career representatives usually take place in the fall or spring.  Check the list to see who is coming (Upcoming College Visits at FTHS)!

Complete this quick sign-up form to receive a pass/call slip or to attend, if needed.

Prepare to meet with visiting reps. Here are some general guidelines. 

College / Career Rep Visits & Workshops

FTHS College & Career Rep Visits & College Workshops (shared on website)

Sign Up to Attend 

Benefits of college / Career rep visits for students:

1.   Students have a chance — in their own town (or on their own device!) — to meet face-to-face with a rep and ask specific questions.

2.   Students can let the college know they are seriously interested.

3.   In many cases, the reps are admission officers from the college, so students have a unique opportunity to make contact with a person who may be evaluating their application in the future.

4.   The meeting provides students with a specific contact at the college to whom they can send questions.

5.   Sometimes reps, particularly ones from state universities, will give an early read on students’ transcripts, test scores and course selections during their visits. This helps students assess their fit at that institution and figure out what they can do to improve their chances of getting in.

Who should attend the college / Career Representative presentations?

Students:  It's NEVER too early to begin! 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students are welcome to attend!

Parents:  While parents typically cannot attend in-person visits on our campus, they may learn more about colleges that their children are considering by attending virtual visits from home.  College / Career rep visits allow parents to ask questions and gather additional information that enables them to make educated decisions together with their child.  Students should join in when their parents meet with the reps; this is a decision that affects their future.

Benefits of college rep visits for colleges:

Colleges have reasons for sending reps to high schools beyond simply advertising to prospective applicants. The reps have a chance to evaluate the high school and to see if its students are a good fit for their college.

The reps may assess “demonstrated interest,” judging which students are most interested in attending their college, and may admit applicants partially on that basis. This is one way to increase a college’s yield (the number of students accepted who actually enroll), which gives them a higher ranking on some scales.