
During my time in Yearbook I had many great experiences that made my year so much better and just to recap on some of these I will start with just making a lot of new friends a being able to work with them on some of the projects. Some other good experience were all the fun projects you get to work on that help you get better with working with computers and when you work on the yearbook you get to see all of your hard work pay off when you finally see the finished product at the end of the year. Also some of these projects were being able to work on fun videos that you make and then review and these videos were a lot of fun to work on. Another one of these fun projects were the newspaper and magazine article these were for balboa newspaper and these were very fun to work on. The last thing that I am going to be talking about is being able to use the cameras to take picture of kids for the yearbook and other activities and projects. These were some of the fun memories of yearbook and the fun activities that we do.

During my time here in yearbook this year I have enjoyed working on the pages of the yearbook, making new friends, and getting more involved in the balboa community.  I have worked on two pages in the yearbook and they were Electives and Life outside of school. They were pretty fun but involved quite a bit of commitment, so if your willing to commit it will be a lot of fun and quite easy. I also helped in audio and video newscasts, it was helpful to me because I got to be in front of the camera and that made me a bit less nervous. As a yearbook staff you just got to do what is posted on google classroom or what your CEO says. You also get to do 15 minutes, where you do yearbook assignments at break or during a different class. 

Being in yearbook was really awesome, you get a little taste of how other future careers are going to be like. This class has everything I was interested in like you get to do photography, you get to record things for the whole school, and since I was in the social media department, I got to take pictures to put on our school social media. Yearbook is in my opinion the greatest class you can be in because it feels like you are in an actual job and you get to pick what department you get to be in/what you are good at. It also teaches you different tools that you could use later in life. Everyone doesn’t just work on a yearbook all year there is way more to it.

My experience with Yearbook was really fun. In Yearbook, you have the opportunity to learn more, make more friends and have good memories. What you do in Yearbook is you get to make videos, edit the Yearbook, and another thing is you can learn how to make the Video or Audio Newscast. This semester has been really splendid for many different reasons. One of the projects that you get to do in Yearbook is you get to make fun memes. All of the projects that we get to do in Yearbook are extremely fun and entertaining. Overall, I would highly recommend Yearbook for anyone who is interested in taking pictures and editing with friends.

In Yearbook, there was a lot of jobs and activities to choose from. I went with making spreads for the Yearbook and it was a lot of fun because you got to go take pictures in other classes and be apart of the yearbook and see your pictures in there. I also had the chance of doing the Audio Newscast every week, and it’s a great experience to learn how to make those kinds of videos and give the weekly news to all the classes. So overall, Yearbook is a great time to learn new skills and be apart of Balboa.