
YeaRbook Editor

"To be a Yearbook Editor you have to be able to handle responsibility. You're constantly faced with the challenge of deadlines, uncooperative staff, and the hardships of learning new things. But, it's rewarding in the form of good grades and it benefits us with the knowledge of how a real business is run. This job prepares us for a potential future in the position of a real boss, working in a real business, making real money. Just this year, we've learned that in a business setting you have to make sure things are running smoothly, that people know what they're assigned to, new changes are always welcome, and that good things come to those who work hard. We've worked with cameras, photo shop, a yearbook avenue, and many different members of our staff and staff at Balboa Middle School. Being an editor makes you hold your head letter higher, and I would definitely suggest working toward being an editor in the yearbook classroom."  

By: Serena Springer

Yearbook StafF

In Yearbook, there are a lot of jobs and activities to choose from. You go from making spreads for the Yearbook and it is a lot of fun because you got to go take pictures in other classes and be apart of the yearbook and see your pictures in there. You also have the chance of doing the Audio Newscast every week, and it’s a great experience to learn how to make those kinds of videos and give the weekly news to all the classes. So overall, Yearbook is a great time to learn new skills and be apart of Balboa.

Being in yearbook is fun and challenging.  I like the fact that I get to be a part of yearbook and help make the yearbook. Being a part of the yearbook means you have to stay organized, stay productive, be responsible, and work together with others and be able to communicate with your peers. Working with others means that everyone must be included and has something to do, working with other students to get an assignment done, and communicating with everyone. Communication is a huge part of being in yearbook because if you need someone to take photos for you or if you need someone to record for video/audio newscast you need to be able to talk to them. You also need to be good with time management. Yearbook is fun and eventful!

By: Hex Lancaster