Other Policies


Please let us know ahead of time if you will send treats to celebrate your child's birthday.

There are 25 students in each class. There are 50 students total. We prefer to celebarate together. We also prefer treats that are healthy and easy to pass out.

Class allergies: cashews, pistachios

Field Trips

Parents with volunteer level 2 clearance are given priority when volunteering for field trips. Contact the front office to upgrade your clearance.

More details about field trips to come!

Independent Study

Attendance is crucial. Please send your child to school every day you can.

Use our Google Classroom  (Code: 63sj2uc) for at-home learning ideas if your child's absence is unexpected.

Contact the school office at (760) 751-1042 if you have advance notice your child will be out for 3+ days. You may request an individualized learning packet.

School Supplies

Your child does not need to bring any school supplies.

 We suggest a water bottle and a set of headphones, but this is optional. Always write your child's name on their things.

Contact your teacher to offer donations.


The purpose of grades is communication so families know how to best support their child at school. Grades are not a measurement of your child's intelligence or their value as a person.

Each family can choose to approach grades differently, but I do not encourage stressing over scores in my second grade class.

I usually score out of 4:
4 - exceeding standards
** 3 - meeting standards **
2 - below standards
1 - far below standards

Early Release Days

Short days occur on Tuesdays once monthly. Dismissal is at 12:35.