When do after school activities start?

Dismissal from ODS is at 3:54pm in the afternoon each day. After school activities are held Monday - Thursday from that time until 5:05pm.

Do students need a transportation note to stay after school?

Good question because there are actually two answers.

ODS Middle School students are NOT required to bring a note to stay afterschool unless they are staying after 4:50pm for special event or a longer rehearsal at school. MS students do not need to bring a note saying they are being picked up or riding the bus; they can fluctuate between the two. If a student is getting picked up by a friend or someone other than their legal guardian, it would be a good idea to let the club sponsor know.

ODS Elementary School students, on the other hand, ALWAYS need to bring a note from a parent if they plan to stay after school; it is a requirement. If a child does not have a Transportation note from a parent saying they are staying after school, they will be expected to go home at dismissal. Parents are welcome to bring (not email or fax) a note stating that their child is staying after school and that they will be picked up. ES students DO NOT ride the Activity Buses.

For any questions regarding transportation notes and the ODS Policy, please check our website or call the Main Office.

What are the parent pick-up procedure for after school activities?

Parents can pick up their children from the front entrance of the building. The doors of the building will be locked. Students will be escorted to the front of the building by their club sponsors where you can meet them. There are no lines or special procedures because of the reduced amount of traffic. That being said, when driving through the front loop, please be mindful of pedestrians and children walking through to the parking lot.

Elementary School students need to be signed out by the parents. Club Sponsors will have sign out lists. This is for the safety of our ES students.

IMPORTANT: Parents need to make sure to be timely when picking up their children from after school activities. If a parent is repeatedly late picking up a child from after school activities, then the child will be required to ride the Activity Buses.

I do not see specific stops shown on the Activity Bus sheet, where will my child be dropped off? I don't see our neighborhood; can my child still ride the Activity Bus after school?

The Activity Buses are available for all middle school students here at ODS. If you do not see your neighborhood, subdivision or street listed on the sheet, please feel free to email Mrs. Wade

In regards to actual stops: ODS is a unique school that has students from all across Virginia Beach. These buses also have different students that ride on these buses each day, making it nearly impossible to have specific stops for each individual neighborhood. Students will normally coordinate with Bus Drivers on finding an area that is a reasonable distance from their home and that still allows the driver to continue with their routes efficiently. If you have a question with this, please feel free to contact Mrs. Wade.

How will I know if something is cancelled or being rescheduled?

All cancellations for clubs and sports will be updated on the website and on the ODS/Brickell Academy Twitter account (@BrickellAcademy). All clubs and activities can be found on the Google Calendar attached on the Home page of the Student Activities site.

What are the difference between PTA Clubs and other clubs? Are they the same?

These are different clubs. Brickell Academy PTA After School Clubs have several different clubs/workshops and groups that operate separately from school clubs that are run by ODS faculty. These clubs include several small workshops and groups that are run by parent volunteers and ODS MS students. Destination Imagination is also run directly through our PTA. For more information on these sorts of clubs, please check the Brickell Academy PTA website.

When will a specific club start?

Announcements for specific clubs will be posted on this website and included on the Morning Announcements. If you still have questions, you can email Mrs. Wade.

Can students start their own clubs?

Absolutely! If a student wants to start a club at ODS, they will need to find a faculty sponsor and submit plans and a schedule. If you are interested in starting your own club at ODS, email Mrs. Wade.

Please email Mrs. Wade with any questions or concerns. Thanks!