Community Service

Commitment to community service is an important aspect of the Health Sciences Academy.  Participation in community service increases self-esteem, promotes civic responsibility, strengthens the community, brings people together, and provides valuable learning opportunities. Students in the Health Sciences Academy are  required to complete a minimum of 150 hours of community service over their four years in the academy.  At least 75 of these hours must be medically related.   

Hsa Community Service Requirements

A minimum of 150 hours of community service is required for all graduates of the Health Sciences Academy. At least 75 of those hours must be medically related. The hours are not earned simply for “volunteer” hours, but are earned for an actual service to the community. Hours will not be counted for time volunteering as a babysitter, pet sitter, helping around the house, etc. The idea is to be actively involved with an organization to help the greater community.

Suggested Guidelines to Meet the Community Service Requirement

9th Grade: 30 hrs

10th Grade: 40 hrs

11th Grade: 40 hrs

12th Grade: 40 hrs

Examples of medically related community service hours: volunteering in any clinical site, including hospitals, medical offices (doctor, vet, dentist, etc.), assisted living homes, mentoring/teaching elementary school students science or health related topics (like the health fair), assisting at blood drives, participating in health awareness walks*, etc.

Community Service records must be submitted each year.  We are currently using an app to track community service hours, and all hours should be entered through the app.  More information about the app will be provided after the school year starts.  These hours are subject for verification. Hours that cannot be verified or do not follow the “community service” definition may not be counted towards the total goal.

If at any time a student has a question about hours counting, he/she should see Mrs. Johnson for clarification.

* In order to be credited the service hours students must “Register” for the walk (this process will be explained in class), and participate (Participation is defined as either fundraising for the walk through the team website, volunteering to work at the walk, and/or completing a brief reflection to be submitted to your medical science teacher)