Winter 19 Issue

New Years Poem

By ~ Haley P and Cassidy S

A new year is near...

2020 is in the clear!

Reflect on the past.

You have a clean slate at last!

A new year is near…

2020 is in the clear!

Grab a glass and have some cheer.

Celebrate with all your friends

And 2019 has finally come to an end!

A new year is near…

2020 is in the clear!

2019 is in the past

We hope the new year will be a blast!

Interviewing: Mrs. Vickery

By: Anu C., Amira S., and Olivia P.

You get mad(at someone or yourself)? I get real quiet when I'm angry. I stop and think while trying to calm down.

What is the best hobby in your opinion? My favorite hobby is trying new things or going to new places. New experiences are the best!

Do you like teaching? Um, YES! I actually love teaching and it's the best job ever.

What is your best subject? My favorite subject to teach is Science.

Do you have a dog? If not, do you have a cat or other animal?? I have a dog who is a Golden Retriever. He is gifted.

Do you like cake?-I love Sugar Plum Bakery cakes, especially the Mozart Cake

What is your favorite food?-NY Cheese Pizza

Do you like to wear jeans or skirts or shorts? Yes, I like them all.

Do you like tea or coffee? I am a coffee lover.

What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear is large bugs and clowsn.

Boxes Of Hope

By Haley P, Cassidy S, Chloe B and Jackson K

Boxes of hope is a school tradition, that 5th grade does every year at CFES. It is like a secret Santa, because you get a random person to give your box of hope. The boxes of hope have things like poems, creative ideas and more. It was originated on a story about a great-grandfather giving his sister a box. He forgot to put something in the box and was very nervous of her reaction. But when his sister opened it, she said there was hope in it even though there was actually nothing in the box. Inside of your box, you give five genuine compliments, a short story or poem, a letter of encouragement, five terrific things about the person your giving it to, an illustration, and a gift under five dollars or a book. The true meaning of boxes of hope is not giving gifts, it is about the kind words people have to say about you! Opening the boxes brings you joy and happiness, and that's what boxes of hope are al

Military Appreciation Month

By: Maddie.k

By Eila M.

Military appreciation month is time to celebrate those who serve our country.

If you see a veteran do not forget to say thanks for your service,parents are included.

They jump out of airplanes

They shoot guns at targets.

We are proud to have parents in the military!

Sometimes it can be hard because your family member has to go on to go on deployment.

Martin Luther King Jr. day

Made by: Colton M, Connor R,

Martin Luther King Jr day is about the rights of African Americans.To have free rights to do anything in america if they live their.Martin Luther King's speech was about Africans American to have the same right as white people. The speech was about 17 minutes and it was filled with hundreds of thousands of great people that wanted to listen to his speech.The world was not the same after Martins speech most African Americans got their rights that belonged to them.

By: Landen F.M.

Martin Luther King was born 1/14/1929 he changed the planet he was killed by Ray Martin died in 4/4/1968 in Tennessee. He was so important we made a holiday of him color people had the same rights as white people.

Open Seating in lunch for 5th graders!

By ~ Chloe B, Jackson K, Haley P, Cassidy S

Open seating is where you can sit anywhere in lunch between six tables.

But there are some rules:

  • You can only sit down once, and cannot move from that spot..
  • Also you cannot save seats, and you can't promise to save someone a seat!
  • You can't sit with any other grades except for 5th.
  • If you misbehave, you lose the open seating privilege!
  • If you follow the rules then they might add more open seating days.

Open seating is meant to be a fun day where you can sit with friends, or new students you’ve never met before! Also, this is supposed to prepare 5th graders for 6th grade. (You sit anywhere in the cafeteria in sixth grade!)

If one person gets three warnings they will get there open seating away.

Hopefully, open seating will make it to future grades so everyone can enjoy it!

Open Seating

By: Connor R.

Open seating is a fun thing for 5th grade students. Its where 5th grade students get to sit anywhere they want to in the cafeteria. You can sit with friends, classmates or even with]new people you wanna be friends with. and any 5th grade student in Christopher Farms. This invention is made by our awesome principal Mrs. Backer and our 5th grade teachers.

Compound Machine Expo

By: Elly B., Peyton M., and Angie M

A Compound machine is a machine that is made with two or more simple machines. Simple Machines include, a wedge, an inclined plane (like a ramp), a screw, a pulley, a wheel, an axle, and a lever. Kids work very hard on there compound machine. At the expo there is a lot of parents. When a parent walks up to them and says, how does yours work, the kids have to show how it works.