Advanced Placement Government & Politics

AP Government & Politics

Below are links and assignments for my AP Government and Politics class. The class meets Period 1 and 4.

This college-level, nonpartisan, year-long class is divided into two courses. The AP U.S. Government and Politics course analyzes and interprets the Constitution, important political documents, Supreme Court decisions, and data to better understand the American national government and the political actors who interact with it. The AP Comparative Government and Politics course defines and describes major political concepts, analyzes patterns of political processes and behavior and their consequences, and compares and contrasts political institutions and processes across the six core countries. Students enrolled in the class are also expected to take at least ONE of the corresponding AP exams in place of an end-of-the-year cumulative final.

Click here for the AP Gov Summer Assignment

Below are a few helpful links for this class.

Crash Course: U.S. Government & Politics

Craig Benzine teaches you about U.S. Government and Politics.

AP Gov Review

Adam Norris explains everything you've ever wanted to know about the American government system.

JoczProductions: U.S. Government & Politics Explained

JoczProductions is creating a series about U.S. Government and Politics. Check out their playlist.

VSAA alumnus Tina Starks amassed all of her resources for YOU to survive APUSH and AP CoGoPo! Check out her page for some helpful material.