
Classroom Schedule & Lesson Plan

This calender updates in real time and always shows any changes I make instantly. This is THE BEST place to keep up to date with what is happening in class. 

To open the calendar so you can view the entire file:

Now you can view the entire calendar. 

23/24 Chemistry Weekly Calendar

***Student classroom schedules can also be accessed at anytime in the Google Classroom. You can find it pinned to the top of the Classwork Tab under Calendar. This document will remain updated and will indicate the tentative schedule for the week to allow students to prepare for any upcoming assignments, quizzes, tests, or make up any work missed during absences. Students should check-in and use their classroom OFTEN

A copy of the classroom policies and expectations is sent home with each student during the first week of school and MUST be returned with a student AND parent signature. Students can access this at anytime in their Google Classroom. 


Q & A

A copy of the lab policies and expectations is sent home with each student during the first week of school and MUST be returned with a student AND parent signature. Students can access this at anytime in their Google Classroom.

A copy of the lab rubric is given to each student and reviewed during the first week of school. The students will be asked to keep the rubric in their Chemistry Notebook for reference. They can also access it in their Google Classroom at anytime. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at any time!

High School Phone #: (541) 473 - 3181 Email: