Classroom Behavior 

Clip behavior chart


Students will start the day on Ready to Learn. They may move up or down according to their behavior throughout the day. Students can move to the Good Choices level if they are making good choices. They may get to Great Job for continuing to display good behavior. The Super Student level is reserved for kids with outstanding behavior. If a student reaches this level, they will get a note or phone call home and a jewel on their clip.  If students make negative choices, they will be moved from Ready to Learn to Think About it, which is a warning. The next step down is Teacher's Choice where a consequence will be given such as missing recess. The next step is to contact home if they make it to Parent Contact. At the end of every day, I record what level students ended the day on.  Clips are recorded daily and entered on Class Dojo. If you join our Class Dojo page, you can log in and see your child's day. Student earn points depending on what level they end the day on.  We have a class store every month where students get to spend these points.


I focus on positive behavior and what we are doing right. I teach children character traits and when I see a child exhibiting that particular trait, they are given a trait brag tag to put on their backpacks. 


Students who are "caught" making good choices randomly receive Warrior Ways. These are placed in a container and drawn for weekly prizes and entered into a chance to win lunch with the principal every nine weeks!