Picture of Mrs. Mulvany

About Me

clip art of purple apple

Hi! Nice to see you drop by my site. This will be my 25th year of teaching. I have taught kindergarten summer school, first, second, and third grade, and Title I intervention. I love kids and I love watching them get excited about learning. I grew up in Vale and I taught in Ontario at May Roberts for 15 years. I was really excited when I got the opportunity to teach in the Vale District. I absolutely love teaching in Willowcreek. I love it as a teacher, and as a parent. I have 5 kids. I have a daughter who is a college sophomore, a senior son, two freshman sons, and a daughter in seventh grade. I enjoy teaching (of course), reading, growing flowers, riding four wheelers, and spending lots of time camping in the mountains! As a parent, I know that our kids are the most important things in our lives. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I truly believe that when parents and teachers communicate and work together as a team, it makes the biggest differences in kids' lives. 

Lisa Mulvany

First and Second Grade Teacher

Willowcreek Elementary

             Email: lisa.mulvany@valesd.org

Phone: 541-473-2345