Timetabling Information

Your personalised Timetable Information

In order to access your personalised timetable, you will need to have completed online enrolment (see below if you have any trouble with this).

Once you have done this, you will be able to access your timetable HERE. Below, a brief outline of how to use our Celcat timetable system (the link and a more detailed guide can also be found in the 'Your Timetable' link below).

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Log in to Celcat

Once on the log in page, use your Studentmail credentials.

You may skip this step if you access the timetable through your MyDay.

Log in to Celcat

Once you are on the Celcat website, you will need to log in.

You may skip this step if you access the timetable through your MyDay.

Log in to Celcat

Once on the log in page, use your Studentmail credentials.

You may skip this step if you access the timetable through your MyDay.

Enter your Details

Once you are in the timetable, you will need to select 'Student' in type and enter your Banner ID in Resource(s).

You may skip this step if you access the timetable through your MyDay.

Your Personalised Timetable

Now, you should be able to see your personalised timetable.

Please make sure you double-check that all your modules are there and that there are no clashes.

Once you're logged in...:

Celcat is our timetabling system, allowing you to see all the modules you have enrolled on — in a month, week or day view;

Once you have logged in, you will see your personalised timetable, helping you to structure your week, and to identify any timetable clashes;

If you click on the module, additional information will be made available - as shown in the image:

Timetabling & Enrolment Support

Trouble with Enrolment?

Please click here to access our enrolment information page.

Contact The HUB

Please click here to contact (email) The HUB, our central support point.
(C) University of the West of Scotland
Title Image: Photo by Roman Mager on Unsplash