Welcome & Induction
May 2024

...we're looking forward to seeing you!

As part of your university journey, each of our programmes delivers dedicated induction events, telling you all about the programme, important information about students and support and success, as well as university rules and regulations, etc.

These events are aimed at supporting our students settling into their degree programme, and are fostered by our additional support sessions -- hopefully allowing you the best possible start!!!

This page provides you with the links to each programme's induction event schedules -- both for our business-related and arts & media degrees...

Your Programme Inductions

Click the programme-specific links below to get more information and the induction timetable for your programme:

Phots by Kyle Glenn (Int'l. Mgt.) / CHUTTERSNAP (Logistics) / Christina @ wocintechchat.com (MBA) on Unsplash

Welcome Events

The university and your Students' Union have also arranged a variety of exciting welcome and support events for you (see 'Welcome Events' in the menu for more information as well).

(C) University of the West of Scotland (Building) / UWS Students' Union
Title Image: Photo by Dakota Roos on Unsplash