Enrolment Support

Information on Online Enrolment

In order to get (re-)started with your degree, you will be required to complete online enrolment. This is done through our Self-service Banner (SSB) -- please use your Banner ID and pin to log in.

Please make sure you get to the 'Congratualtions' page as you will otherwise not complete enrolment. Remember, this is a really important process to allow you to attend your modules and obtain the credits required to complete your degree.

Click HERE to learn more about Online Enrolment (UWS website).
(C) University of the West of Scotland

*** Please note that due to the Cyber Incident, some UWS Systems may be currently unavailable.
Please check your StudentMail for updates on enrolment *** 

How to use Self-service Banner?

** Changed your mind? Please contact your Prgoramme Leader if you want/need to make changes afterwards.

Timetabling & Enrolment Support

Trouble with Enrolment?

Please click here to access our enrolment information page.

Contact The HUB

Please click here to contact (email) The HUB, our central support point.
(C) University of the West of Scotland
Title Image: (C) University of the West of Scotland