Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How are OUR Travel Award funds distributed?

Once you have received an award, you will work with your mentor and mentors Office Administrator to purchase tickets and make travel arrangements. The funds will not be distributed directly to the student. 

How do I make travel arrangements?

It is recommended that applicants wait until official notification of an award has been made before making arrangements. Note that any arrangements prior to award notices will not be reimbursed if the application is denied; the student will be solely responsible for all expenditures. 

After receiving notification of an OUR Travel Award, the student must set up an appointment with the office administrator in their home department to make any necessary arrangements, as required by UWF. OAs will be notified by OUR of award-specific index codes to ensure proper routing of expenditures. 

Can I pay for my poster to be printed with Travel Award funds?

Yes. Printing is an allowable expense to include in the budget section that is part of your Travel Award application.  The University Commons Printing Services office can print your poster.  It is recommend printing requests are submitted at least 2 weeks prior to your travel dates to allow for adequate production time. Depending on the type of paper you select and the size of the poster, the cost is around $50.

Do all group members need to accept a Travel Award?

Yes. For group travel, failure of individual award recipients to officially “accept” the award may impact the Office Administrator’s ability to book travel, including shared hotel rooms and rental vehicles. 

What is required of me after I participate in the conference?

Students who receive an award must submit an electronic Final Travel Report to the Office of Undergraduate Research within ten (10) business days following completion of the conference and/or travel. To access this report, please log onto MyUWF and search for OUR Program Applications. Select your OUR Travel Award application and the Student Post Travel Report will appear as a new section of that application.

Student awardees must acknowledge the OUR Travel Award on the poster or in the presentation slides as “Conference attendance is supported by the UWF Office of Undergraduate Research through an OUR Travel Award.” 

Student awardees are required to present their research at the UWF Student Scholars Symposium during the spring semester. Awardees can find guidelines and information regarding this presentation on OUR’s website. 

Grant awardees are also required to act as ambassadors to the OUR program and speak to at least one approved campus event (e.g., classrooms and tour guides) about your research experience at UWF.