Volunteer To Help

This is an ambitious event, and we need all the volunteers to help make this new experimental outreach event be a big success.

Volunteer Roles

Calling All Genome Sciences Researchers!

We Need Panelists! (3 volunteers per event)

Panelists will need a 1-2 slide accessible introduction to their research. Before the session, Atom and Eva will work with you to "translate" your work into the restaurant analogy.

Example: Deep Mutational Scanning Technique - Systematically mutate the genetic code of a sundae gene to determine what mutations will make it the BEST or WORST tasting ice cream sundae.

DNA Café Host

(1-2 volunteers per event)

This one's an easy one. Greet participants at the door and direct them to their reserved table.

We will have instructions for participants that show up without a table reservation.

Table Assistant/Waitstaff

(3+ volunteers per event)

As a waitstaff volunteer you will help participants transcribe the genes for their ice cream sundaes onto the custom scan-tron mRNA transcript order forms, and answer questions that arise. Presenters will provide a detailed description of how the activity works, and when participants at a table have all transcribed their order, you will direct participants to the ribosome kitchen when their order is transcribed. Folks with a basic understanding of the genetic code ATGC should find this part of the activity very easy to assist.

tRNA Chefs in the Ribosome Kitchen

(5+ volunteers per event)

The mRNA transcripts orders of participants will be translated into the final Ice Cream Sundae Proteins in the Ribosome Kitchen. tRNA Chefs will distribute ingredients for the participants as they create their Sundae Proteins. We will make your job as easy as possible to help facilitate efficient distribution of ingredients so that you know that CGG is Rainbow Sprinkles, and GCA is a scoop of Chocolate Ice Cream.