Readings / Bibliography

What informs my work?

I've combined art history coursework with readings in qualitative interview techniques, art historiography, and practice-led research to develop a cross-disciplinary research methodology.

I draw from my knowledge of academic advising, digital media technologies, and art practice to bring a level of professional and creative expertise to the project. With feedback from my faculty and colleagues, I synthesize these learning experiences, approaches, and methods into the creation of a product (video) and the dissemination of an idea (art history is useful and practical beyond the academy or institution).

This bibliography is a work in progress and continues to be edited.


Dewey, John. Art as Experience. New York: Minton, Balch & Company, 1934

Podro, Michael. The Manifold in Perception: Theories of Art from Kant to Hildebrand. Oxford-Warburg Studies. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.

Daiello, Vicki, et al. “Complicating Visual Culture.” Studies in Art Education, vol. 47, no. 4, 2006, pp. 308–325. JSTOR,

Foster, Hal. Design and Crime: And Other Diatribes. London: London : Verso, 2002.

Preziosi, Donald. Rethinking Art History: Meditations on a Coy Science. New Haven: New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989.

Preziosi, Donald. The Art of Art History: A Critical Anthology. Oxford History of Art. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Smith, Terry, Okwui Enwezor, Nancy Condee. Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.

Becker, Carol. Zones of Contention: Essays on Art, Institutions, Gender, and Anxiety. Albany: Albany : State University of New York Press, 1996.

Gillick, Liam. Industry and Intelligence: Contemporary Art Since 1820. Columbia University Press, 2016.

Practice-led research / the exegesis

Art, Art History, Visual Culture, the Humanities

Johnson, W. McAllister. Art History: Its Use and Abuse. Toronto; London: University of Toronto Press, 1988.

Art history in the art school: the critical historians of Camberwell

Becker, Carol. “Art as Research”, Truthout, January 22, 2014,

Art History in the Wake of the Global Turn - Aruna D'Souza, "Introduction,"

Castañeda, Iván. “Visual Culture, Art History and the Humanities.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 8, no. 1 (February 2009): 41–55. doi:10.1177/1474022208098301

Practice-led research / the exegesis

McNamara, Andrew E. (2012) Six rules for practice-led research. Text : Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, pp. 1-15.

Hamilton, Jillian G. and Jaaniste, Luke O. (2009) Content, structure and orientations of the practice-led exegesis. In: Art.Media.Design : Writing Intersections, 18-19 November 2009, Swinburne University, Melbourne. (In Press)

Batty, Craig and Donna Lee Brien. The exegesis now: where are we, and where are we going? RMIT University and Central Queensland University,

Nelson, Robert. Doctoralness in the Balance: The Agonies of Scholarly Writing in Studio Research Degrees, Monash University,

Bell, Sharon. “The Academic Mode of Production” in Practice-led research, research-led practice in the creative arts (Chapter 13),

Barrett, Estelle., and Bolt, Barbara. Practice as Research: Approaches to Creative Arts Enquiry. London: I.B. Tauris, 2007.


Meloche, Alysha and Jen Katz-Buonincontro. 2018. "Creativity-Integrated Art History: A pedagogical framework." Art History Pedagogy & Practice 3, (1).

Garber, Marjorie B. Academic Instincts. Alexander Street Anthropology. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001.

Jameson, Fredric. “End of Art or End of Art History” The Cultural Turn: Selected Writings on the Postmodern, 1983-1998. London ; New York: Verso, 1998. 73-92

Art History Teaching Resources:

McKeon, P. (1999). A model for art history within discipline -based art education (Order No. 9944935). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304506235). Retrieved from

Grierson, Elizabeth. "Reflecting on a Complex Terrain". In The Creative University, (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense, 2013)

A/r/tography, Ethnography, Phenomenology

Springgay, Stephanie, Rita L Irwin, and Sylvia Wilson Kind. "A/r/tography as Living Inquiry Through Art and Text." Qualitative Inquiry 11, no. 6 (2005): 897-912.

Anderson, Tom. “Using Art Criticism Strategies in Ethnographic Research.” Visual Arts Research, vol. 29, no. 57, 2003, pp. 155–162. JSTOR,

Downey, Anthony. “An Ethics of Engagement: Collaborative Art Practices and the Return of the Ethnographer.” Third Text 23, no. 5 (September 2009): 593–603. doi:10.1080/09528820903184849

Ruby, Jay. "Is an Ethnographic Film a Filmic Ethnography?" Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communications 2, no. 2 (1975): 104-11.

What is a hermeneutic phenomenological study?

Phenomenology research overview, from

“...phenomenology can be defined as the direct investigation and description of phenomena as consciously experienced by people living those experiences. Phenomenological research is typically conducted through the use of in-depth interviews of small samples of participants. By studying the perspectives of multiple participants, a researcher can begin to make generalizations regarding what it is like to experience a certain phenomenon from the perspective of those that have lived the experience.”

The Crisis in Art History, the Institution, the Academy

Rubin, Patricia. Defining the Crisis in Art History, Visual Resources, 27:4, 308-314, DOI: 10.1080/01973762.2011.62221

Hales, Peter Bacon. "Discipline/Survey." Art Journal 54, no. 3 (1995): 65-69. doi:10.2307/777589.

Buckley, Brad, John Conomos, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Rethinking the Contemporary Art School: The Artist, the PhD, and the Academy. Halifax, N.S.: Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 2009.

Hamlin, Amy K. “Beyond Survival in Art and Art History: Fifteen Futures Already Alive”, Art Journal Open, February 13, 2019,

Amy K. Hamlin and Karen J. Leader discuss Art History That, a multiplatform advocacy project project they launched in 2014 to curate, crowdsource, and collaborate on the future of art history. "Art History That! A Manifesto for the Future of a Discipline." Visual Resources 30, no. 2 (2014): 138-144.

The Studio Artist and the Art Historian

Walker, Lester C. "The Studio Artist and the Art Historian." College Art Journal 15, no. 2 (1955): 119-23. doi:10.2307/772936.

Salazar, Stacey Mckenna. "Studio Interior: Investigating Undergraduate Studio Art Teaching and Learning." Studies in Art Education 55, no. 1 (2013): 64-78.

Thomas, Kerry, And Janet Chan. "Negotiating the Paradox of Creative Autonomy in the Making of Artists." Studies in Art Education 54, no. 3 (2013): 260-72.


Germano, Roy. "Analytic Filmmaking: A New Approach to Research and Publication in the Social Sciences." Perspectives on Politics 12, no. 3 (2014): 663-76.

Carta, Silvio. “Visual and Experiential Knowledge in Observational Cinema”, Anthrovision [Online], 3.1 | 2015,

Nichols, Bill. Introduction to Documentary. 2nd ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.

Qualitative Interviewing

"Narrative Research." In Qualitative Methods in Business Research, 210-226. Introducing Qualitative Methods. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2008. doi: 10.4135/9780857028044

Seidman, Irving. Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences. 4th ed. New York: Teachers College Press, 2013

Janesick, Valerie J. Stretching Exercises for Qualitative Researchers. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1998.

Analyzing evidence:

Decline in the Humanities? Value of Liberal Arts Degrees

Nation wide:

2012–13 Humanities Departmental Survey (HDS-2)

Humanities not declining -

The Heart of the Matter: The Humanities and Social Sciences for a vibrant, competitive, and secure nation

Debra Humphreys (2014) Employment Outcomes in the Four-Year Sector: The Value of Liberal Arts Degrees, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 46:3, 64-66, DOI: 10.1080/00091383.2014.910056