
MUS 588: Museums, health, and well-being

Winter 2023

This course examines the role that museums can play in public health, in particular in fostering positive social and emotional well-being. Students critically engage with well-being theory, practice, research, measures, and contexts.  

MUS 520: Learning in museums

Fall 2014 - Present

This course explores how and what people learn in informal learning environments, particularly museums. Students examine learning theories and frameworks, as well as currrent research on learning, and critically assess their implications for museum practice. The course is organized around three key questions: 1) What is learning? 2) What does research tell us about learning in museums? and 3) How do we address issues of equity in museum learning? 

MUS 570: Museology thesis design

Spring 2013 - Present

This course lays the foundation for Museology students' master's thesis, examining the principles and skills that are critical to both research and project theses. On the research side, we explore key dimensions of the research process, from framing a research problem to articulating the study purpose to choosing study methods. On the project side, we focus on key aspects of the project design and management process, including problem identification, iteration, and evaluation. Students develop and present a draft thesis proposal, using these principles and skills. 

MUS 700/710/720: Thesis

Fall 2013 - Present

This course is designed to support students' Museology thesis work. In fall quarter, the emphasis is on building the thesis supervisory committee, designing the research study, developing instrumentation, and writing the introduction. In winter quarter, the focus is on IRB, collecting data, and writing the methods section. In spring quarter, the focus is on analyzing and interpreting data, and writing the results, discussion, and implications sections. At the end of spring, students submit a 5,000-7,000 word article for publication in MuseumsForward, the Museology Graduate Program's online thesis forum.  

MUS 566: Grant writing in museums

Winter 2014-2015

This course explored the principles and practices of grant writing in museums, and was organized around three key themes: 1) grant seeking; 2) proposal writing; and 3) proposal reviewing. The course was project-based. Students worked in small groups to design and write a grant proposal in response to a local funding solicitation, 4Culture's Heritage Projects. A mock review panel during the last class provided detailed feedback on grant proposals, as well as insight into the grant reviewing process. 

MUS 588: Thesis ideation

Winter 2020 

This course introduces students to the process and product of a Museology master's thesis. It engages students in critical skills for exploring thesis topics, including ideation, giving and receiving feedback, idea assessment, and decision-making.