Public Parks & Green Space

By Janeth Mendez


Two of Capitol Hill's main public parks consists of Cal Anderson Park and Volunteer Park.  These spaces have multiple entities that are open to the public and  can be easily accessible. Cal Anderson Park covers 7 acres on the Southern region of Capitol Hill while Volunteer Park consists of  48 acres in the Northern area.


Throughout the district, a lot of green spaces are encountered which creates a great balance of greenery and city elements. Trees and planted greenery can be found down each street and on the sides of almost every building. 

Public parks and green spaces in Capitol Hill are either a hit or miss. Focusing on the public parks, Cal Anderson had a feeling of filth and unwelcoming atmosphere; meanwhile, Volunteer Park was clean, refreshing, and highly maintained. 


Found in Cal Anderson Park

Cal Anderson Park had a fountain and what appeared to be a man-made pond of some sort. Neither had water and had trash in them. If appears as if they get filled up during the summer and the community can enjoy it then. 

Skate Park

Found in Cal Anderson Park

Cal Anderson Park had a skate park which was super neat. Although, there was a lot of graffiti on the ground and the overall area  seemed a bit broken down. 

Water Tower

Found in Volunteer Park

Encountered the Water Tower Observation Dock in Volunteer Park. Super cool view of the rest of the park and the city. We also found other ponds throughout the park that inhabited ducks and other wildlife. 

Population Health Topic Information

The entities located within this district are mainly assets as they are easily accessible to the public and there is a wide variety of different things to do. They provide places to go on a walk or get some fresh air at any time of the day. Both parks are located relatively close to the district which make them an easy walk to and from the neighborhoods. The only barrier I would consider would be how unkept certain spaces are which make them feel dirty. 

Community members can be found in both parks. Although, a lot of homeless people can be encountered at Cal Anderson Park as it is located more towards the main center of the district and commercial area. Volunteer Park is located near a residential area and less people are encountered because of how widespread the park is. People exploring the parks are found at both locations whether they are walking their dogs, jogging, or just passing by. 

Neighborhood Assessment Scores

Community plays a big role as community members were found helping clean and maintain both parks. All the greenery found on streets and on store fronts is upkept and the presence of nature is found within the community. 

The green spaces provide  walkable walkways for people to manevour throughout and through the parks. Public scooters and bikes can be found within the district and can be easily utilized on the cement and dirt walkways. 

Even though there is a large amount of housing in Capitol Hill, homelessness is encountered as soon as you exit the Link Station. It appears as more homelessness is found in the southern area where shops and restaurants can be found rather than the Northern area that consists of bigger neighborhoods with single family housing. 



Hidden Park!

4/5Found this really cool open space with super green grass. Just wanted to share.

Walk in Capitol Hill

5/5Walked around the area for a while and loved all the greenery found. Especially loved these plants in pots that were constructed within the building!

Cal Anderson Park

3/5Cool park with a baseball field, skate park, and tennis court. However, place is dirty, grass is dying, and where did the water go??

Volunteer Park

5/5 starsThis park is full of greenery and open space! Awesome for a walk and to admire nature. Would defintely come back again!

Works Cited

“Cal Anderson Park.” Cal Anderson Park - Parks, Accessed 1 Dec. 2023. “Volunteer Park.” Volunteer Park - Parks, Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.