Log in to the Student's Account on a Computer or Tablet
Click the following link to navigate to our school website:
A new browser window will open. You need to switch back and forth between the new browser window and this window.
The screenshots show two views -- View #1 and View #2 -- of the navigation menu at the top of our school website's home page. The width of your browser window will determine which view you see on your device.
Screenshots are shown.
2. Follow the instructions below for the window size that you are using right now -- wide or narrow.
Wide View:
If your window has a wide view, click Canvas for Students near the top of the window as shown in the partial screenshot for the wide view.
Narrow View:
If your window has a narrow view:
a. Click the hamburger menu in the upper righthand corner of the window (circled in the 1st screenshot for the narrow view)
b. Scroll to the bottom of the window and click Canvas for Students (circled in the 2nd screenshot for the narrow view)
3. Select "Log in with Active Directory" on the login page -- the highlighted option in the screenshot.
4. You will land on the "Sign in" page as shown in the screenshot.
A sticky note is affixed to the right side of the trackpad of the school laptop. It contains the student's email address and password. Check the laptop's box if the sticky note has fallen off.
If you do not have the school laptop yet or the sticky note is missing, the generic instructions below explain how the email address is formatted.
Enter the student's email address where the screenshot says, "Enter student's email address here.":
(e.g., john.adams@uviewstudents.org)
Notes for Step 4:
If the student attended our school previously or if the student has the same first and last name of a student who is already enrolled, the last name might have a "1" or some other character appended to it as shown below.
(e.g., john.adams1@uviewstudents.org)
Refer to the Enrollment confirmation email from Student Services if the standard email format does not work and if appending a "1" does not work, or have the Learning Coach ask the Learning Coach Support team to verify the email address.
If you are unable to login to Canvas today, have your Learning Coach call or send a Remind message to the Learning Coach Support team to notify them your account is not ready. (Contact information is below.)
5. Click the Next button to continue the login process.
6. Enter the student's assigned password in the password field.
(Refer to the sticky note from the school laptop or follow the generic instructions below if you do not have the sticky.)
The format of the password is:
first name initial last name initial date of birth
The initials are lower case. (Buddy Morris Demo's initials would be bd)
The date of birth includes the two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year, separated by forward slashes. (Buddy's birth date is June 5th, 2006. It would be formatted like this: 06/05/2006)
There are no spaces in the password.
Buddy Demo's complete password would be bd06/05/2006
7. For security purposes, you may enter a new password when you are prompted to do that.
Please write the password down in a location where you can find it later. (You will be glad you followed this instruction.)
8. Follow the remaining prompts until you land on the Canvas Home Page (also known as the Homeroom).
At this point, you are logged in to your Canvas Student account.
Well done!
Now it's time for the Learning Coach to create and set up the Canvas Observer (i.e., Learning Coach) account.