Roux Malan

I am from Cape Town, South Africa. Currently I am a Community Minister of Cape Town Unitarian Church where I assist with Lay Leader Training and Social Action Projects among communities in informal settlements in Cape Town.

Before becoming a Community Minister I served the congregation as Settled Minister.

I have been a Unitarian since 2007.

I had the opportunity on different occasions to visit Unitarians in Burundi (Africa), Kenya (Africa), Philippines, UK, and USA in travelling to these countries.  

I experienced the transition of my country from the apartheid government to a fully democratic country when Nelson Mandela became president of our country in 1994. Our young democracy is still developing, and we are still in need of healing work between different groups as well as redress of the past.

I enjoy vegetable and herb gardening and learning about the health and medicinal benefits of different plants. I recently bought a new property and will be moving in about 7 days. And as you can imagine I intend to establish a vegetable and herb garden … chuckle.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and participating in this exciting project.