Alicia Forde & Morgan McLean

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is committed to supporting the Leadership and Design Team (LDT) in its work. The UUA’s staff -- that’s us -- serves as conveners and record keepers, and the UUA International Office holds the financial resources left with the dissolution of the the UU Partner Church Council (UUPCC) and the International Council of U/Us (ICUU) for this work. We also continue to support existing structures of partnership and collaboration in this time of transition. The UUA International Office is committed to finding new ways of international U/U collaboration that decenter U.S. perspectives, and we are inspired by the work of the LDT!

Rev. Alicia Forde 

Rev. Alicia Forde is the Director of the Unitarian Universalist Association's International Office. Alicia worked closely with the former Executive Directors of the UUPCC and the ICUU.

Rev. Morgan McLean

Rev. Morgan McLean is the International Engagement Program Manager in the UUA International Office. Previously Morgan served as a minister in congregations in Pennsylvania and California, and served as Chair of the Board of the UUPCC.