Intelligent interaction


Here is a short video introduction of the track.

Intelligent Interaction is a multidisciplinary topic in which computer science meets social science to investigate, design and evaluate novel forms of multimodal human-computer interaction.

Research in Intelligent Interaction concerns the perception-action cycle of understanding human behaviours and generating system responses, supporting an ongoing dialogue with the user. Understanding the user –by automated evaluation of speech, pose, gestures, touch, facial expressions, social behaviours, interactions with other humans, bio-physical signals and all content humans create– should inform the generation of intuitive and satisfying system responses. By understanding how and why people use interactive media, interactive systems can be made more socially capable, safe, acceptable and fun. Evaluation of the resulting systems generally focuses on the perception that the user has of them and the experience that they engender. These issues are investigated through the design, implementation, and analysis of systems across different application areas and across a variety of contexts.

Example application areas include social robots; tangible and tactile interaction; conversations with intelligent (virtual) agents; mobile coaches and multimodal training games, brain-computer interfaces and more.

Available topics

Natural Language Processing and Generation:

  • Investigating "concept drift" (words change in meaning over time)

  • Analysing moral values in text

  • Automatically generating football reports or persuasive texts

  • Automatically generating reports of sports interaction data

Conversational Agents and Dialogue Systems:

  • Personalized conversational agents

  • Incremental dialogue processing

  • Conversational data transparency

  • Turn generation in dialogue

  • Information extraction from dialogue

Social interaction with humans and/or robots:

  • Haptics sensors on a humanoid robot's upper body for social touch experience

  • Social interaction in virtual reality

Interactive dining table: support healthy eating through artificial intelligence:

  • Recognition of eating behaviours based on sensor data

  • Giving real-time mutimodal feedback to the user

Modelling morning routines: towards intelligent agents to support people in adopting new habits:

  • Analysing existing daily behaviour data

  • User studies about investigating people's routines

Sports Interaction:

  • Interactive "Exergames" that help users train/practice technique in rowing, volleyball or running

  • UI/UX Design for Sports Interaction

  • Deep Learning for identifying defects or injury possibility during sports activity

  • Smart Textiles for providing feedback to athletes

  • Promoting Mental Well Being of Athletes

  • Research about frameworks, taxonomy, or algorithms on sport sciences, data visualization or data interaction

Using neural networks to simulate auditory hallucinations


For further information on the content of this track, you may contact the track chair: Mariët Theune