Information systems services and interoperability


People and organizations increasingly depend on Information Systems (IS) services. We use IS services all the time in our personal and working lives, and our institutional and business organizations cannot function without IS services. At the same time, IS has become increasingly complex. Companies often face the need to adapt and update to their business's demands, which often implies updating and adapting their IS Architecture. Another challenge is the interoperability and adaptability of the various IS in use across the company. Newly adopted solutions developed with cutting-edge technology have to be integrated with old legacy systems and, sometimes, even with shared documents from off-the-shelf solutions, like MS-Excel. Accounting for enterprise issues like those is the main goal of this research track. The business domains vary, as those are issues necessary for any company using IS services nowadays. Therefore, it includes e-health, industries in general, the Smart Industry, the Internet of Things, and the Education sector. The education sector is a new dimension in this group, and it was adopted after the pandemics because of the increased intensity of the use of IS services to support universities.

Suggested Topics

Topics addressed by this track include but are not limited to:

  • Personal Health Train (get inspired by this Youtube video )

  • Microservices architecture using the OpenTripModel for logistics

  • Smart application interoperability with ETSI SAREF standard

  • Personal Learning Records

  • Human Activity Recognition (get inspired by this research on HAR or this one on Weight Lifting Exercises)


For specific information on the content of this track, you may contact the track chair: Wallace C. Ugulino