Submission guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Two types of submissions are needed. Each one has two rounds: the draft version and the final version.

  • Research proposal. As a first step a research proposal has to be made, and submitted before the deadline. Proposals must clearly identify the overall topic and context, the problem statement, related work, proposed methodology, expected results, and planning. Research proposals should not be longer than 3 pages (excluding references), addressing all relevant aspects. Submissions will be reviewed for clarity, feasibility, relevance, and completeness. Here are two proposal examples from former students proposal 1 and proposal 2.

  • Research paper. Papers must be tailored to the problems of Information Technology and fit into one of the tracks. The submissions should not be previously published and not currently under review by another conference or journal. Original papers with at most 8 single-spaced A4 pages (including appendices but excluding references) are solicited. Submissions will be reviewed for clarity, novelty, relevance, and quality. You will find many examples from the past editions under their programme and proceedings.

All submission must be performed through the conference site at EasyChair. Submissions must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) format with all fonts embedded and be formatted according to the format template. Submissions have to be written in English. Papers that do not meet size and formatting requirements will not be reviewed. Submission is only possible for students from the University of Twente.

All accepted papers will be made available on the Conference website.

Important Dates

  • Research topic selection: April 21, 2021

  • Research proposal submission: May 2, 2021

  • Draft research paper submission: June. 20, 2021

  • Final paper submission: June 27, 2021

  • Conference: July 2, 2021