middle school
Middle school is a great time to think about your future career and what education you will need to get there. Here are some things you can do now that will help:
Think about higher education as an important part of your future.
Think about which subjects are your favorite and why.
Take challenging and interesting classes to prepare for high school.
Develop strong study habits, and do your best in school and on standardized tests.
If you are having difficulty, don’t give up—get help from a teacher, tutor, or mentor.
Determine how you learn best - by reading, listening, or watching a video.
Become involved in school- or community-based activities that let you explore your interests and learn new things.
Explore how skills learned through school relate to different types of career pathways and options.
Think about what you want to do in high school, learn about classes, courses, and programs that you might consider—including Career and Technical Education classes.
Schedule an appointment with me, your school counselor, to help you make a plan.
Visit colleges nearby or when you are on vacation.
Explore ways in which you can pay for college tuition like employer programs, grants, scholarships, federal and state funds.
Discuss your future career thoughts and ideas with your family, teachers, librarians, and friends.
Ask people who you think have interesting jobs, “What do you like about your job?” and “What education did you need for your job?”
Read books from actual professionals in a career field.
Take career assessments to see what jobs match your interests, values, and skills.
Find Income information about careers that interest you. Do they earn a salary or hourly pay? What’s the range? Do people have this as their only job, or do they need to supplement with a second job to pay all their bills plus save money each month?
Ask people and watch Interviews to make sure a day in the life of a potential profession is something you’d actually be interested in.
Shadow a job within your school district, or with a family/friend. Or take part in a Take Your Child to Work day at your parent’s/family member’s employer.
Adapted from FAME Education, (2021). Finance Authority of Maine. https://www.fame-education.com/middle-school-education-tips/
Below you will find links to fun and educational websites to explore future career options.
My Next Move, (2021). U.S. Department of Labor. https://www.mynextmove.org/
Download this interesting workbook to help you develop a career path for your future.
A Workbook for Middle and Junior High School Students
Federal Student Aid, (2017). My future, my way. First steps toward college. U.S. Department of Education. https://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/my-future-my-way.pdf
Texas Career Check, (n.d.). Texas Workforce Commission. https://texascareercheck.com/
Click on the link to the left to explore career and education options. Take an interest profiler, play a game of "Pop-a-Job" to learn about a random career, compare occupations, discover careers in the military, and much more.
Texas Reality Check, (n.d.). Texas Workforce Commission. https://texasrealitycheck.com/
Click on the link to the left for a "Reality Check" to learn how much it costs to have a certain lifestyle and how much you will need to earn in order to support yourself.
Play Claim Your Future! to explore education after high school, future careers, and money management.
Claim Your Future, (2020). Finance Authority of Maine. https://fame.claimyourfuture.org/student-registration/