middle school


Middle school is a great time to think about your future career and what education you will need to get there. Here are some things you can do now that will help:

Adapted from FAME Education, (2021). Finance Authority of Maine. https://www.fame-education.com/middle-school-education-tips/

Below you will find links to fun and educational websites to explore future career options.

My Next Move, (2021). U.S. Department of Labor. https://www.mynextmove.org/


Download this interesting workbook to help you develop a career path for your future.


A Workbook for Middle and Junior High School Students 

Federal Student Aid, (2017). My future, my way. First steps toward college. U.S. Department of Education. https://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/my-future-my-way.pdf

Click on the link to the left to explore career and education options. Take an interest profiler, play a game of "Pop-a-Job" to learn about a random career, compare occupations, discover careers in the military, and much more.

Click on the link to the left for a "Reality Check" to learn how much it costs to have a certain lifestyle and how much you will need to earn in order to support yourself.

Play Claim Your Future! to explore education after high school, future careers, and money management.

Claim Your Future, (2020). Finance Authority of Maine. https://fame.claimyourfuture.org/student-registration/