FYP1 Sem 1 2021/22 Registration

Dear students,

  1. You have 2 weeks (28/6/2021 - 9/7/2021) to register your Final Year Project title.

  2. Each department have set a maximum number of students per supervisor (Student Quota) as below:

MPE = 2

ESE = 4

CHEE = 3

  1. Please view the proposed FYP titles in HERE.

Note the 'STUDENT QUOTA' column for each lecturer. If it's 'AVAILABLE', you may contact the lecturer. If it's 'FULL', it means that the lecturer already have enough students under his/her supervision.

  1. Please contact your preferred supervisor via email or phone to discuss the FYP topic BEFORE the registration.

  2. Please make sure your supervisor agreed to supervise you BEFORE the registration.

  3. Only AFTER you and your supervisor have agreed on the title, you may fill in the FYP registration form. You can only fill in the form ONCE.

  4. You may register using the button below. (Form available from Monday 28/6/2021, 12.01 AM until Friday 9/7/2021, 11.59 PM)