

Maša Prodanović is a Frank P. Jessen Professor in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. She is an applied mathematician-turned-engineer and has expertise in direct simulation of flow and particulate transport in porous and fractured media, porous media characterization especially based on 2D and 3D images of rock microstructure, unconventional resources and data curation. She organized and co-instructed multiple short courses on image analysis in porous media since 2011.

She is a recipient of multiple awards such as InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research in 2022, SPE Distinguished Member Award in 2021, EAGE Alfred Wegener Award in 2021, SPE Formation Evaluation regional award for development of Digital Rocks Portal in 2019, Texas 10 (top faculty) and Stony Brook 40 Under Forty awards in 2017, SPE Faculty Innovative Teaching Award in 2014 and Interpore Procter & Gamble Research Award for Porous Media Research in 2014. She has been elected Interpore Society Council member & SIAM Geosciences Program Director 2021-23.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics from the University of Zagreb, Croatia and a PhD in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from Stony Brook University, New York, USA. She has held an associate and assistant professor position 2010-2022, a research associate in the Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering (now Center for Subsurface Engineering and the Environment UT Austin) 2007-2010, and prestigious J. T. Oden Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Computational Engineering and Sciences 2005-2007, prior to her current post.

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