Outreach + Service

The UT DRP pairs undergraduate students with graduate student mentors to undertake independent projects in mathematics. I've been a DRP mentor for at least one student each semester since arriving at UT, and starting Fall 2020 am also a DRP Organizer. 

Starting Fall 2020, I am an organizer for the Mathematicians of Color Alliance of Texas, a student-run organization open to anyone interested in promoting the mathematical development and achievements of underrepresented groups. Our goal is to create a community of undergraduate and graduate math students of color through social events, mentoring, and tutoring to recruit, retain, support, and empower underrepresented students within the field of math. 

For the 2020-2021 academic year, I was a founding member of the Grad Student Committee--a committee of math grad students at UT Austin who have been democratically elected to represent all grad students in the department. Our goal is to offer support, and improve the grad experience by advocating for student needs and interests, and providing solutions and resources to those.

Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics is a free summer enrichment program that targets middle school students from underserved communities with the goal of introducing them to fun, enriching mathematics. I was a TA in Summer 2019 and this Summer 2020 was a Junior Faculty, where I taught a course on Theory of Computation. 

The Sunday Morning Math Group is a public talk series at UT Austin aimed at children of the Austin area. Since Spring 2019, I've given an SMMG talk every semester, and I hope to keep this streak up. At right is a copy of my slides from January 2020, which was an introduction to Turing Machines and the Halting Problem. Here are the worksheets I made for the talk. 

SMMG 1:26:2020.pdf
A photo of the 2016 MSRI-UP group (feat. me!)

The MSRI Undergraduate Program (MSRI-UP) is a comprehensive summer program designed to identify talented students, especially those from currently underrepresented groups, who are interested in mathematics and make available to them meaningful research opportunities. In the summer of 2021, I was a Graduate Mentor for the program, advising the students and overseeing two projects closely. 

The Texas Women in Math Symposium (TWIMS) is a weekend conference that takes place at a different institution in Texas each year. The ongoing goal of this conference series is to celebrate the accomplishments and make connections in the community of gender minorities in mathematics. TWIMS 2023 is organized by myself and Allie Embry.