
About These Notes

These notes will likely not be TeXed--instead, they're (largely) taken using an iPad, Apple Pencil, and the GoodNotes app. The goal is for these notes to be more visual in nature, and so this means I usually only post notes for topics where I think the pictures are most useful. If you notice any errors or have any feedback at all about any of the content of these notes, let me know! 

Lecture Notes

Taken Spring 2020 for Professor Allcock's course 

Taken Summer 2020 for T. Weisman's mini-course 

Expository Notes 

Visual intuition for Fenchel-Nielsen Coordinates

The n-colored Jones Polynomial

Some constructions of the n-colored Jones (w.i.p.)

Talk Slides (Expository)

For "5 Perspectives on Group Cohomology"