Nomination and Election Guidelines

Nomination and Election Guidelines

For Local PTAs

The officers of your PTA have the important responsibility to ensure that those who succeed them are nominated and elected according to PTA nomination and election procedures.

These guidelines are to assist your officers, the members of your Nominating Committee, and all members of your PTA who are interested in making this a successful process.

It would be well to consider PTA nominations and election as ongoing. Members of your PTA are being prepared to participate in your nomination and election process as they work together and learn about individuals’ strengths and leadership skills. “An organization is the lengthened shadow of its leaders,” as Voltaire stated.

PTA uses the method of nomination for office by a Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee ensures that:

The choice of who is elected as an officer, however, is not the decision of the committee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of your general membership meeting for nominations, and your officers are elected by the general membership of your PTA.

As soon as your Nominating Committee is elected, your PTA president shall give the members of your committee a copy of these guidelines in order for them to understand their responsibility and be prepared for their meeting(s).

Candidate” is used in these guidelines to identify all who are considered as a possible nominee for an office in your PTA.

Nominee” is used in these guidelines to identify the person elected by your Nominating Committee to stand for election to a specific office. Those members of your PTA whose names are placed in nomination at your nominations meeting are also designated as nominees.

When information quoted from your bylaws is included in these guidelines, its location found in your bylaws follows and is designated by article and section, e.g., (1:1).

Throughout these guidelines “PTA” also implies “PTSA,” if applicable.

The Nominating Committee

Your PTA Nominating Committee is responsible to seek out and nominate the best-qualified eligible person for each office for which elections are to be held. It is one of your most important committees and is your most responsible, sensitive, and deliberative body. Therefore, election to the Nominating Committee is one of the highest honors bestowed by your PTA and should not be a popularity contest.

Because your committee has a tremendous influence in shaping the future of your PTA, the members of your PTA must take the work of the committee as seriously as the committee itself will need to do and must carefully elect those who serve on the committee.

No one automatically serves on your Nominating Committee by virtue of his position in your PTA or the school.

The composition of your committee should reflect the diversity of your PTA community, e.g., PTA experience, geographical areas, feeder schools if a secondary PTA, etc.

Members of your Nominating Committee:

Each member brings to this committee unique knowledge, insight, skill, and personal experience. By working together, the members form an effective team and blend their collective ideas, qualities, wisdom, and contributions to become a whole greater than its parts that will help ensure continued strong leadership for your PTA.

Electing Your Nominating Committee

Your bylaws designate that a nominating committee is elected prior to December 31 at a general membership meeting. During that meeting, immediately before your Nominating Committee is elected, your PTA president or secretary reads aloud your bylaws section pertaining to the committee (VI:5).

Your bylaws delineate important information about your Nominating Committee (VI:5):

Immediately after the committee members (and alternates) are elected and before the meeting is adjourned, they meet briefly to elect the chair and determine the date of their first meeting, which should be soon enough to allow sufficient time to consider nominees. Last-minute meetings make for ill-advised decisions.

Your PTA president then announces the date of the first committee meeting to your general membership and that no one else talks about committee business. Any member of your PTA may submit suggested candidates for any office (in a sealed envelope with "Attention Nominating Committee Chair" written on the envelope front) or via email to your committee chair prior to the first meeting of your committee. Also, prior to the first meeting of your committee, an officer who has served only one term and would like to be renominated should submit a letter of intent to your committee chair. Any such envelopes shall remain unopened until the first committee meeting. After that time no additional recommendations may be made to the committee.

Example of Nominating Committee Election Meeting

Nominating Committee Chair

The Nominating Committee Chair Shall:

Before the First Nominating Committee Meeting

The members of the committee shall review the information in these guidelines, the general election information and qualifications for and duties of all offices to be filled as listed in your bylaws (VII:1-5), and the job descriptions in your standing rules.

No discussion about nominees or committee business shall take place between committee members before the first meeting of the committee.

No one else should ever talk with members of the committee or anyone else about committee business.

All suggestions for candidates are given to the committee chair, in writing, in a sealed envelope or via email before the committee’s first meeting.

The members of the committee shall review the following general qualifications needed by candidates to be considered for nomination to any office:

Before its first meeting the committee may be made aware of possible candidates to consider as nominees:

Committee members should ask themselves these questions as they prepare for their first meeting:

The Nominating Committee Meeting

Electing the Nominee for Each Office

The well-being of your PTA shall be the top priority of the Nominating Committee. The committee must put the good of your PTA above personal preferences.

The major responsibility of the committee is to nominate the best qualified eligible person for each office to be filled.

Prior to the committee's considering candidates to become nominees, your PTA president shall orient the committee, including the alternates, to its duties and procedures. Your PTA president and alternates then leave the meeting. Then the committee shall review again the election information (VI:1-4) and duties of officers (VII) in your bylaws, job descriptions of officers in your standing rules, and general qualifications for nominees.

The committee opens all recommendations and letters of intent together at their first meeting and makes a list from them for each office to be filled. The committee may add its own suggestions. Regardless of the number of times an individual is suggested for an office, the committee must evaluate each equally and by the same standards as all other candidates.

Consideration of candidates should be an orderly process.

An incumbent officer (who has served only one term and who submits to the committee a letter of intent of willingness to serve a second term) must be considered by the committee as any other candidate. Only if the committee determines the incumbent is the best nominee for your PTA is the incumbent elected to be a nominee. An incumbent does not automatically serve a second term.

If your PTA has a president-elect, they automatically succeeds to the office of PTA president and your PTA president leaves office at the end of the term (VI:4a).

If your president-elect is unable to succeed to the office of PTA president, the committee shall nominate an eligible person for both PTA president and president-elect.

The number of your vice presidents includes your principal and at least one teacher in your school (VI:4a).

They are both called vice presidents. The number of additional vice presidents is listed in your bylaws.

Only in rare circumstances should a Nominating Committee member be considered as a nominee for an office and only when it is in the best interest of your PTA.

If a member of the committee is considered as a candidate for election, that member shall be dismissed from the meeting during the discussion and voting concerning that particular nomination. If the member is not elected to be the nominee, they may remain on the committee if they desire. If the member is elected to be a nominee, they shall automatically be dismissed from the committee and shall be replaced by an alternate (VI:5c).

The decisions of the committee are made through the ballot process. A separate vote shall be taken by ballot for each office.

A majority vote of the committee members shall be required to elect a nominee. An alternate nominee may also be elected in case the first nominee declines the nomination.

The committee shall consider separately each office to be filled. All nominees shall be determined with the same care. The committee shall elect separately, by ballot, by majority vote, a nominee for PTA president (only if you have no president-elect), president-elect, vice presidents, secretary, and treasurer in that order, until there is a nominee for each office to be filled.

Once the committee has elected a nominee for each office, the members shall have some time to reflect on the list of nominees before any contacts are made.

If, after a reasonable amount of time, the members of the committee express a change of mind, additional discussion and election of nominees take place.

If, after a reasonable amount of time, the members of the committee continue to express support of the nominees they elected, the nominees are contacted following the guidelines in the next section.

Contacting Nominees

While the Nominating Committee members are still in their meeting, the chair shall personally contact the nominee elected by the committee for the first office to be filled. If possible, the first office considered must be filled before nominees for other offices are contacted. If the person accepts, the chair contacts the nominee elected by the committee for the next office. If the person declines, the elected alternate shall be contacted by the chair. If both the elected nominee and alternate decline, the committee considers and elects a new nominee.

The job description and expectations shall be fully explained to each nominee as contacted and they should be given time to consider. It is helpful if those invited to be nominees discuss their potential responsibilities with family members to determine the family’s willingness to support them if elected.

The chair should also suggest that the nominee consider and be given the opportunity to ask questions, including the following, in making a decision:

It is rarely advisable to try to talk a reluctant person into accepting a nomination.

When nominees have accepted for all offices, the committee compiles its report, listing the nominee for each office, and each member of the committee signs it. The chairman presents the report to the Executive Committee at its first meeting after completion of Nominating Committee work, which must be prior to your general membership meeting for nominations.

If the committee is unable to find a nominee for an office, it reports that fact to the Executive Committee and to the members of your PTA in its report at your general membership meeting for nominations.

4-Board Nominees Report.pdf
4-Form for Recommending Nominees.pdf

General Membership Meeting for Nominations

Your PTA nominations are officially conducted at a general membership meeting of your PTA. This meeting shall be held at least 14 days before your election meeting to give ample time for members to consider the nominees (VI:5j). This meeting can be held in person or virtually.

During your general membership meeting for nominations:

Note: All nominations of eligible members of your PTA are valid. Nominations from the floor are as valid as those from the Nominating Committee. The report of the committee is only a statement of preference and does not control the election in any way.

After your nominations meeting, your committee chair ensures that all of your PTA members receive notification of the list of nominees and the date of your election meeting. This is done in the manner you normally communicate with your members (ie newsletter, email, webpage, etc.)

The Nominating Committee is automatically discharged when its report is presented to your PTA membership. However, if a nominee withdraws before the election (and there is no other nominee for that office and time permits), the committee reconvenes and elects a new nominee for that office.

As soon as possible after it is known that there are two or more nominees for any office, the officers shall meet to elect an Election Committee (“Tellers” or “election judges”) of three or five members. Please see “Election Committee” section.

If the secretary receives a letter of intent to be a nominee at least five days before the election meeting, he or she immediately notifies the president. The president then notifies your general membership of the additional nominee.

General Membership Meeting for Elections

Electing officers is one of the most important duties of the members of your PTA. Officers should be elected for their abilities and their willingness to serve your PTA. Your bylaws designate that elections are held prior to March 31.

Only those persons who are members in good standing of your PTA and have given their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated or elected to an office.

Only current members of your PTA are allowed to vote (VI:3).

Your bylaws designate the minimum number of your PTA members who must be present to constitute a quorum (IX:8).

If there is more than one nominee for an office, that election shall be by ballot (VI:4b). The procedure for collecting ballots shall be established by the officers and tellers before the meeting and announced before voting begins. (Ballots may be deposited by voters in a ballot box or in a container.)

During your general membership meeting for elections:

Virtual Election Meeting

The Election Committee

“Tellers” or “Election Judges”

As soon as it is known that there are two or more nominees for any office, the officers shall meet to elect an Election Committee (of three or more members and always an uneven number) from among the members of your PTA. No nominees for office, anyone related to a nominee by blood or by marriage, or who reside in the same household as a nominee may be a member of the Election Committee. The officers may elect the committee chairman or allow the committee to elect its own chair from among the committee members.

The Election Committee has the responsibility to conduct the election of your PTA officers. The members of the committee may be called “tellers” or “election judges.” In these guidelines they are referred to as “tellers.”

No more than five days before the election meeting (so all letters of intent to be a nominee will have been received by your PTA secretary), the tellers prepare the ballots for each office with more than one nominee, which should all be the same size and color and have the office(s) and nominees’ names printed on them.

In consultation with your PTA officers prior to the election meeting, the tellers establish the procedure for collecting ballots. They may be deposited by the voters in a ballot box, a covered ballot box, or containers. The safest receptacle would be a covered ballot box. If the votes will be collected virtually, a method to verify membership and a platform for ensuring members have only one vote must be determined.

Only members of your PTA shall vote; therefore, ballots are given only to members of your PTA. Your bylaws prohibit voting by proxy (IV:7). Nominees vote but shall not participate in the election process.

Prior to the election meeting the tellers set up a table with a membership roster, ballots, and pens or pencils available. When your PTA president announces that the polls are open, members move in an orderly manner to the voting table.

One teller verifies that each person is a member of your PTA. If desired, your members could sign a voter listing verifying they are members and have received a ballot. The next teller issues each member a ballot. After each member votes, the next teller collects the ballots.

After the polls are closed, the tellers then depart to a separate room or area to count the ballots.

These are recorded as illegal votes in the final tellers’ report.

The number of votes necessary to elect is determined by the number of votes cast for each office. This includes illegal votes.

A majority or plurality of the votes cast is necessary to elect an officer.

If there is a tie vote, the tellers relate that result to your PTA president. Your PTA president then states, “There is no election due to a tie vote,” and another vote is taken.

The tellers prepare a separate report, which should be accurate and account for every vote cast, for each contested office (an office with more than one nominee).

The tellers’ report should contain:

The report does not include the number of members eligible to vote.

The tellers’ report is entered into the minutes and becomes a part of the official record of your PTA. Under no circumstances should the totals be omitted in an election out of deference to the feelings of unsuccessful nominees.

When the report is finished, the tellers return to the meeting assembly area. Your PTA president asks for the tellers’ report to be read. The chair of the tellers (or another reporting member) reads the report and hands it to your PTA president.

Inasmuch as the Election Committee is created for a specific purpose, it is automatically discharged when its work is completed and its report is received by the general membership of your PTA.

Example of a Tellers’ Report

Heading (For example, Main Street PTA election on March 20, 20XX)

Chair: ____________________________________________

After the General Membership Meeting for Elections

The ballots may be destroyed after the election is announced or filed for a designated length of time (such as a month) with your PTA secretary. They are destroyed by the current Executive Committee (officers).

If an office other than president-elect remains unfilled after the election, it shall be considered a vacant office to be filled by a person elected by a majority vote of your incoming officers, all officers having been notified of the election. (VI:7a) A vacancy in the office of president-elect is always filled by the vote of the general membership of your PTA at a special election meeting called by your PTA president, all members of your PTA having been notified.

After the election has taken place and a vacancy occurs in any office other than president-elect, that vacancy is filled by your incoming officers.

As soon as officers are elected, they shall meet for the purpose of formulating tentative plans for their term of office and, if applicable, selecting commissioners and committee chairs. All ongoing and incoming officers and commissioners should plan to attend the annual Utah PTA Leadership Convention in the spring.

Officers begin their terms and assume their official duties on July 1 following their election and remain in office until June 30 of the next election year.