Awards and Grants

Utah PTA Leadership Award

Leadership, Excellence, and Partnershipping (L.E.A.P.)

Leadership is often defined as “the art of getting or inspiring people to do something.” It is not the same as management, which is associated with accomplishing a task in an effective and efficient manner. A leader must often use different leadership styles, depending on the situation and group. People skills are a basic necessity in good leadership. A successful leader will involve everyone in the group in any decision-making that will affect them.

It is the desire of Utah PTA to recognize our committed volunteers. Within the membership of Utah PTA are leaders who steadfastly serve in various PTA positions and volunteer thousands of hours for the benefit of the children of Utah.

You can nominate any PTA leader for a L.E.A.P. Award. Here are a few facts:

The application is now an online form. The link to the application for the L.E.A.P. Award is on our website at:

Utah PTA recognizes our committed volunteers with our L.E.A.P. Award

Utah PTA Gold Star Awards

The Utah PTA Gold Star Awards were created to recognize the outstanding PTA and PTSA units in our state. Utah PTA designates PTA/PTSA units that have done all of the required items and the additional elective activities (about 20 items total) as Utah PTA Gold Star PTAs and PTSAs. There are four levels: Local PTA, Local PTSA, Council PTA/PTSA, and region PTA.

If you follow best practices for running your PTA/PTSA and if your PTA/PTSA is in good standing, you will most likely qualify for this award. We recognize that it may also be overwhelming to know how to do everything that needs to be done to be a PTA/PTSA in good standing. The award requirements are designed to help PTA/PTSA leaders know the items they can focus on to fulfill their roles in helping their students and their school communities.

Each Utah PTA Gold Star Designee will receive a framed certificate to display in their school and will be recognized and celebrated at Utah PTA Leadership Convention. We will also highlight designees throughout the coming year as we promote the program.

All local PTAs, PTSAs, councils, and regions should apply! Each level has its own set of requirements. Each level’s requirements and online application will be announced at the beginning of the school year. Information will be available online and through your region director.

All requirements, the online application and other tips can be found at:

Utah PTA Awards Appointee

To run a successful Awards Program, it is recommended that each local PTA and each council and region PTA have an Awards appointee. This position should be appointed by the PTA president, council president, or region director.

Awards Appointee duties at the local level

Awards Appointee duties at the council level

Awards Appointee duties at the region level

Awards Appointee Time Line









Utah PTA Awards


The Utah PTA Awards Program is designed to offer greater opportunities for recognizing those who devote their time and energy on behalf of children. This program is our opportunity to give our heartfelt and genuine thanks to PTA volunteers.

Recognition is a key factor in any successful organization as well as a key factor in retaining quality volunteers. Awards and recognition are a necessary priority in PTA at all levels. You will find that awards and recognition will provide your PTA with many great benefits.

Utah PTA is here to help assist you and your school in providing opportunities to recognize greatness at your school. While there are endless ways this can be done, we are happy to provide you with this meaningful opportunity.

Program Overview

Local PTA 

Local PTAs will submit award nominations online at Local PTAs should honor local winners. Conducting a local awards program is optional, but we have found that local PTAs who also conduct their own awards and recognitions add extra meaning for volunteers who are being recognized. This allows you to honor awards recipients within the school and community who selected them. 

Council PTA 

Councils will select winners in each award category. Councils should honor council winners. The council winners will be advanced to the region where region level winners will be selected. Regions will determine the number of council winners that can be sent onto the region level. 

Region PTA

Regions will select one winner in each of the award categories to advance to state (for larger regions with associate directors they can select one additional winner per associate in each category).

Awards Overview

Utah PTA Awards

Utah PTA Advocacy Award

This award is given to a local PTA or individual for excellence in their efforts to support and speak on behalf of children and youth.

Utah PTA Development Award

This award is given to a local PTA for excellence in program and/or leadership development. This award is encouraged for programs in schools that are in the first five years of their program – developing and improving the program. Remember, this is for a program not an individual.

Utah PTA Engagement Award

This award is given to a local PTA for excellence in the area of engagement. This can include engaging the community, businesses, faculty, parents, etc. Remember, this is for a program not an individual.

Utah PTA Outstanding Elementary Educator

This award recognizes a professional educator currently working with students in grades preschool to 5th or 6th Grade (depending if 6th Grade is in your elementary or secondary school). State winners will be selected based on their relationship with students, parents, PTA, and the community.

Utah PTA Outstanding Secondary Educator

This award recognizes a professional educator currently working with students in grades 5th or 6th grade (depending if 6th grade is in your elementary or secondary school) to 12th Grade. State winners will be selected based on their relationship with students, parents, PTA, and the community.

Utah PTA Outstanding School Administrator Award

To recognize an outstanding school administrator currently working with students on an elementary or secondary level. This can include assistant principals.

Utah PTA Outstanding Support Staff

This award recognizes any school support staff (custodians, secretaries, lunchroom staff, bus drivers, aides, etc.) currently working in schools in grades preschool to 12th grade. State winners will be selected based on their relationship with students, parents, PTA, and the community.

Utah PTA Outstanding Volunteer Award

This award is given to a volunteer who renders volunteer service to children through the education system and is making a positive difference. Nominees will be considered on the basis of quality of volunteer commitment.

Utah PTA Spirit of Inclusivity

This award recognizes an outstanding PTA/individual who has organized an inclusivity event/activity using the PTA National Standards for Family School Partnerships. Examples: Welcoming families into the school community; communicating effectively; supporting student success; speaking up for every child; sharing power and collaborating with community; involving minority parents in PTA. If an individual, they must be a member of the PTA and exemplify the PTA Purpose and Mission.

Utah PTA Spirit of PTA Award

This award recognizes an outstanding volunteer who has given consistent and outstanding service through PTA. This person must be a member of the PTA and exemplify the PTA Purposes and Mission.

Awards Q and A

General Questions

Q: How many categories are there for awards?

A: There are 10 different categories: Volunteer, Spirit of PTA, Administrator, Elementary and Secondary Educator, Support Staff, Inclusivity, Advocacy, Engagement, Development.

Q: How many awards can each school submit?

A: Each school can submit one award per category except for the educator categories. You may do one of the two based on what level of school you are.

Q: How does a school choose who to nominate for the awards?

A: There are a few different factors that you will want to take into consideration.

Q: Who can write the awards?

A: Anyone can. If you have an awards chair it is great to start with them and see which ones they would like to write. It is always best to have someone who knows the program or the individual well. They are able to put a lot of details and specifics in the award. There might be someone who just reaches out to the PTA and asks if there is a certain type of an award to nominate someone they think is doing great things. If you don’t have anyone entered for that specific award it is a great way to get others involved.

Q: What are the levels the awards go through?

A: There are four levels for the awards (this may vary a little bit depending on your area):

Specific Questions

Q: What are the requirements for each award? 

A: Generally speaking, each award requires an impact statement and supplemental materials. Several awards also require a letter of recommendation. 

Q: How important is the supplementary material?

A: Supplemental materials are a key feature of each award submission. These materials give the judges a greater insight in the individual or project being nominated. Supplemental materials help create a more complete picture of the recipient through pictures, programs, letters, etc. Using it will allow you to build a stronger presentation. 

Q: What things should I consider for supplementary material?

A: First and foremost, a photo of the nominee(s) should be included as part of the supplemental materials, with each individual identified. After a photo, the options are endless. Letters of recommendation, pictures, time lines, programs, articles, etc. are all great options to consider during the award writing process. These materials help to create a connection for judges and help differentiate all of the outstanding submissions received.

Q: How many total sheets can the supplementary material be?

A: Supplementary materials for each award is limited to three pages. These pages can be creatively set up and contain more than one piece of information. We want to keep all of the awards the same as far as how much can be submitted. 

Q: What things are you looking for when judging the awards?

A: Each award submitted has the opportunity to win. Awards are judged on a content rubric by a qualified panel. Judges are looking for awards that have met all of the application requirements and show a clear connection between the individual or program being nominated and the PTA.

Final Thoughts

General Items

Specific Items

The Process for Notification of State Winners

Answers to Questions Throughout the Year

Writing Awards

Get Started as Soon as Possible:

Meet with your board and your administrator and select a candidate at the beginning of the school year.

Know Your Subject:

Meet with your candidate. Interview them, have them write down every program they have been involved in, not only with the school, but within the community, and other extracurricular activities. The more material you have to work with, the better your award will be. 

Follow the Rules: 

The applications are clear about what the requirements and the technical requirements are. Make sure you complete the application. Remember to include a picture of the nominee.

Writing the Impact Statement:

An impact statement is short but powerful. Don’t be afraid to use big words, words with emotions, words that describe. 

Example: Terri spends a lot of time at our school and has started many programs OR Terri gives freely of her excitement, passion, time, and energy to the programs at our school and has pioneered many of the existing programs that are in place today. 

Use Quotes:

Get quotes from parents, students, peers, and administrators. They are very powerful in the context of the award. 

Get Recommendations:

You can use letters of recommendations as part of your supplementary materials. It’s nice to get the letter of recommendation and quotes from a variety of sources. 

Supplementary Materials: 

Supplementary materials are required, but there is a minimum and a maximum for all of the awards. It’s best to maximize the information, pictures, programs, etc. Be creative and utilize your space. 

Most Important – HAVE FUN!

If you implement these simple tips, use one or two of them – whatever you would like, include the things that are requested on the cover sheets and have fun writing the awards and learning about the fantastic people and programs you have in your schools – your awards will do well.

2024-25 Utah Arts Grant Information 3pg flyer.pdf

Utah PTA Award Submission Guidelines

More information on Utah PTA awards as well as access to the online submission forms can be found at

Requirements for all awards:

Specific Award Requirements

Several awards, in addition to the general requirements, must include a letter of recommendation from a constituent. This letter of recommendation can be written by an administrator, community council member, teacher, district personnel, or even a school board member.

What is an Impact Statement?

An impact statement is a brief statement that describes the significance of a project. It is used to inform and convince stakeholders, in this case the Utah PTA, and provide justification for recognition. An impact statement should be kept simple and specific and should speak directly to the intended audience.

An impact statement should include:


The advocacy award is designed to recognize those in our PTA’s who are reaching out to the community to advocate for our students and schools. This includes: 


The development award is designed to recognize those in our PTA’s who are developing new programs and projects to support students and schools. This includes:


The engagement award is designed to recognize those in our PTA’s who are reaching out to engage students and the community.

Outstanding Elementary / Secondary School Educator

The outstanding educator awards (separate for elementary and secondary) are designed to recognize the outstanding teachers in Utah schools. These teachers not only excel in the classroom but also support the PTA efforts inside and outside of the classroom.

Outstanding School Administrator

The outstanding administrator award is designed to recognize outstanding principals and vice principals in our local schools. These individuals do any number of the following:

Outstanding Support Staff

The outstanding support staff award goes to a member of the staff at a particular school. This includes secretaries, custodians, counselors, school psychologists, aides, etc. These individuals have a strong relationship with students, parents, faculty and the PTA.

Outstanding Volunteer

The outstanding volunteer award is designed to recognize the PTA volunteer who “does it all”. This individual has an immense impact on the school, community and students.

Spirit of Inclusivity

The spirit of inclusivity award is designed to recognize an individual who organizes an activity or program that seeks to reach and involve minority parents, leaders and organizations in the community.

Spirit of PTA

The spirit of PTA award is designed to recognize an outstanding PTA volunteer. The nominee must have at least two years of service in PTA and exemplify the mission and purpose of PTA. This individual should be an example of leadership with an impressive track record of positive impact on students and schools.

Utah PTA Arts Education Grant

Fill Out the Application

Please fill out the application form as completely as you can. The available funds are limited and there needs to be a clear understanding of what your PTA would like to achieve. We will use the information on the first page to contact you about the grant as necessary. Applications will not be considered if incomplete or matching funds are not obtained.

When filling out the budget summary, please include ALL monies you plan to spend, not only the money you are requesting from the grant.

Attach a letter of support from the school administration concerning the planned art project. Up to $500.00 is available per school year with a one-to-one match.

Follow-up Activities

Two-thirds of the grant amount will be paid out July 1st. The remainder will be paid after the Utah PTA receives a brief evaluation and report of the completed program. The form for the evaluation and report will be sent with the initial payment.

If you have suggestions for streamlining the application and disbursement process, please share them with us. Send suggestions to and be sure to include “Arts Grant” in the subject line.

The Utah PTA Arts Education Fund receives funds from donors. You can help by contributing to the fund. Donations can be sent to: Utah PTA, 5192 S. Greenpine Drive, Murray, UT 84123-4604.

We wish you all the best as you plan and implement arts programs for our Utah children.

Utah PTA Arts Education fund Grant Checklist

Please be sure the following items are submitted with your application:

Application must be filled out online by March 1st. Money to be awarded July 1st for use the following school year.