Emergency Coordination Center (ECC)

Emergencies come in many different ways. UDOT is Emergency Essential Function #1

UDOT may be involved in an Emergency that directly relates to our mission of Keeping Utah Moving. It Is also common that UDOT is requested to help assist other agencies, cities, counties, and businesses who find themselves in an emergency that is no longer in their span of control.  

When dealing with an emergency it is important to make sure we are communicating and coordinating in an organized procedure. The scale of the emergency will determine the scale of ECC setup and response. 

The decision to support another group will be made by the UDOT Director, Carlos Braceras (or his designee, see line of succession in the Administration COOP). Carlos will also "stand up" the ECC based on the level of activation. 

The request for support most commonly comes from the Utah Department of Emergency Management Office (DEM).  This request will then be assigned as missions to those agencies that can assist. The State DEM office is able to reimburse another state agency for resources during an emergency, however to qualify the requesting entity has to declare an official emergency. 

Not often, but sometimes UDOT may need to make a quick decision to support if there is a real threat or fear of harm to a community,  The UDOT Director can make the decision to provide that support at any time. This is a decision that only the Director can make as there are real risks and unintended consequences to these decisions. 

ECC Command structure Working - v8.pdf
UDOT Department Operations Center Checklist – Activation-Deactivation - V2_4- Active.docx.pdf

The ECC - Emergency Coordination Center, is the place that the team will meet (virtually and physically) to coordinate and facilitate response efforts 

The ERT - Emergency Response Team, is a group of people with the authority to make decisions on behalf of UDOT as it pertains to their group

The POC - Points of Contact, are your groups communications conduit in non emergency times 

Collecting, analyzing and sharing information

Supporting resource needs and requests, including allocation and tracking

Coordinating plans and determining current and future needs

In some cases providing coordination and policy direction