UDOT Values and Leadership Principles

Our Values

UDOT values are guideposts for how we interact with each other at work. Our values offer a foundation for building confident leaders focused on fostering an innovative and engaging environment where employees feel energized and ready for every challenge. We believe by encouraging everyone to practice Respect, Integrity, and Caring, UDOT will be a place where everyone feels valued and a part of the team.

Leadership Principals

At UDOT, we believe in creating opportunities for employees to be leaders regardless of their position. Whether you lead yourself or others, we want to provide you with the tools you need to be successful while maintaining our commitment to promote a culture where everyone feels valued and respected.

By establishing expectations for all employees, we create consistency within the organization that will allow us to grow as both individuals and as a team.

Below is breakdown of the qualifications or “competencies” (as they are called) associated with each position.

Click on the arrows below to view the competencies.


The following are behavioral standards all UDOT employees are encouraged to practice.



We believe everyone should feel they have a place within UDOT.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Model mutual respect and fairness to support a sense of belonging for others within the organization.

  • Foster an environment of inclusion within teams, groups, and partnerships to ensure all perspectives are voiced and considered.

  • Promote a work environment that acknowledges and celebrates differences.


Engagement is fostered by allowing everyone the opportunity to be heard.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Welcome different views by addressing them openly and encouraging respectful dialog.

  • Participate in open discussion and encourage feedback from others.

  • Practice transparency to ensure pertinent information is communicated at the right time.


True collaboration requires everyone to participate.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Actively seek new ideas, experiences, and recommendations from peers and others within various levels of the organization.

  • Create an atmosphere where others feel comfortable approaching you with questions, concerns and ideas.

  • Embrace the spirit of continuous improvement through sharing ideas and participating in open, honest discussions.



UDOT believes in being transparent in all that we do.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Create and maintain a reputation for keeping promises.

  • Be consistent in words and actions.

  • Accept responsibility for mistakes and develop appropriate mitigation plans.


Our jobs are essential to our community. The quality of our work matters at all levels.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Apply rules and regulations in a consistent, non-biased manner.

  • Review work to ensure accuracy and completeness.

  • Develop and maintain a high level of organization and time management to manage workload.

Fiscal Responsibility

To preserve infrastructure and promote fiscal responsibility, all employees are encouraged to:

  • Demonstrate accountability, discretion and solid judgement when utilizing or managing publicly funded resources.

  • Weigh options in financial decisions and considers creative solutions.


Communication & Sharing

To truly succeed requires working as a team. Teamwork can only be accomplished through good communication in an environment where we are mindful of each other's safety.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Raise awareness in others to support a culture of safety and caring.

  • Model and promote safe behaviors that are consistent with UDOT safety policies and initiatives.

  • Comply with safety regulations and demonstrate caring toward co-workers.


Equity comes through practicing fairness.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Demonstrate fair and consistent approaches to work with peers and partners.

  • Seek opportunities to improve practices within teams, work groups and at various levels of the organization.


It's through action that we learn from our failures and develop our ability to innovate.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Respond to difficult situations and take initiative to make improvements.

  • Build a rapport and establish strong, cooperative working relationships and interactions.

Dedication & Passion

UDOT provides opportunities for each employee to define, understand, and grow their natural talents.

All employees will have the opportunity to:

  • Understand and utilize individual strengths to contribute to the organization's goals.

  • Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement.

  • Establish and maintain a reputation for getting things done.

  • Demonstrate energy and enthusiasm to bring projects or tasks to completion.


Curiosity and innovation work hand-in-hand.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Seek opportunities to learn and look for ways to use the knowledge.

  • Demonstrate an innovative and creative approach to problem solving.


The following are behavioral standards as they relate to health, safety, and policy.

Health and Safety Compliance

Defensive Driving

UDOT believes every employee should follow basic defensive driving strategies to ensure they arrive home safely.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Observe the posted speed limits.

  • Avoid distractions while driving including mobile devices, food and passengers.

  • Wear seatbelts appropriately at all times.


Everyone deserves to be safe on the job.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Participate in building a culture of safety in the workplace.

  • Observe behaviors in the workplace and speak up to address safety concerns.

  • Use the appropriate system for tracking safety incidents.

  • Observe safety incident trends and participate in improvement initiatives.


By providing OSHA training to all employees, we create a culture that has the tools they need to be safe on the job whether they work in an office or on the roads.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Observe OSHA polices and procedures in work activities.

  • Recognize the hazards associated to blood borne pathogens.

  • Recognize hazards associated to chemicals.

  • Identify the location of applicable OHSA forms and policies.

Security Awareness

To ensure our data remains secure, we promote security measures to protect our employees and the public.

All employees will take training that will teach them to:

  • Identify protective measures in the event of terrorism in the workplace.

  • Use general security guidelines and best practices.

  • Identify appropriate procedures when handling trespassers, threatening phone calls and violence.

Policy Compliance


How we perform our jobs matters. We believe in being ethical in all we do.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Identify causes and consequences of unethical behavior.

  • Know the UDOT standards for ethical behavior and where to find the documentation.

  • Acknowledge accountability for decisions.

  • Earn trust through fulfilling commitments.

  • Demonstrate courtesy and respect in all workplace interactions.


Everyone deserves to feel respected and safe in the workplace.

All employees receive training to:

  • Recognize the types of workplace harassment.

  • Identify the procedure/steps for reporting a harassment situation.

  • Treat co-workers with respect and avoid situations or discussions that would be considered harassment.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

UDOT is required to maintain SWPPP standards and provides education to every employee to remain in compliance.

All employees receive training to:

  • Determine if a SWPPP is required and/or in place.

  • Identify control measures and what is included in a SWPPP.

  • Define the role of the inspector and frequency of inspections.

  • Familiar with inspection forms and how to complete one.


Leading Self


The following are UDOT's behavioral standards for integrity:

  • Familiarizes oneself with the pertinent rules and regulations that govern their area of responsibility.

  • Applies rules and regulations in a consistent, non-biased manner.

  • Refrains from behavior that fosters the appearance of conflict of interest.

  • Guards the handling of sensitive or high risk information appropriately.

  • Demonstrates sensitivity to surroundings and acts accordingly in conversations.

  • Demonstrates behaviors that are consistent with standards for professional and ethical conduct.

  • Handles day-to-day work challenges effectively.

  • Follows up with a manager after identifying unethical conduct.

  • Maintains composure at all times.


The following are UDOT's behavioral standards for accountability:

  • Gets the message to the right people.

  • Develops in-depth understanding of customer needs in order to be more helpful.

  • Proactively informs and resolves problems/issues with the customer based on interests.

  • Understands customer perspective to better respond to needs and concerns.

  • Considers how different audiences, genders and cultures are likely to respond and chooses the best method of communicating the message to each audience.

  • Takes responsibility for decisions made.

  • Responds directly and thoroughly to questions.

  • Follows through to make sure that customer expectations have been met.

  • Requires an understanding of organizational relationships, identification of decision-makers and the relationship of positions within the agency.

Leading People

Change Leadership

The following are UDOT's behavioral standards for leadership:

  • Looks for ways to remove obstacles that inhibit change.

  • Promotes and implements comprehensive and responsible change in a variety of areas.

  • Challenges the standard or traditional way of doing things by experimenting with new ideas.

  • Considered a visionary catalyst for change.

  • Changes tradition when needed, by reforming and reorganizing how services are accomplished.

  • Experiments with ways to incorporate and use new technologies and methods to improve productivity and organizational effectiveness.

  • Creates new concepts, models, theories and relationships to align with organizational strategies.

  • Promotes responsible change and breaks tradition when needed.

Inspiring Others

The following are behaviors UDOT encourages in all employees to promote inspiration:

  • Conveys a shared, concrete vision of the desired state which provides the basis for formulating organizational strategies and goals.

  • Demonstrates an optimism and sense of urgency that inspires others to embrace the vision.

  • Influences/motivates others to translate the vision into action.

  • Encourages open, honest and constructive expression of ideas and opinions.

  • Transforms thought into productive action.

  • Creates successful outcomes by sharing knowledge and information within the work unit and across organizational lines.

  • Coaches, evaluates, develops and inspires people to meet their goals and the goals of the organization.

  • Aligns performance goals with organization goals, provides feedback, group leadership; delegates.


The following are behaviors UDOT encourages, so all employees have the opportunity to develop their innovation skills:

  • Creates a work environment that encourages creative thinking and innovation.

  • Looks continuously for new and/or non-traditional ideas, approaches and available resources to improve problem solving.

  • Solicits input from others and aligns decisions with business needs.

  • Analyzes issues and problems; makes decisions based on situational variables.

  • Identifies alternatives and thoroughly evaluates expected results, risks, needs, time frames and resources.

  • Makes timely decisions.

  • Examines each issue from multiple angles and seeks practical, workable solutions; does not automatically choose the first solution.

  • Remains open to changing decisions when new information becomes available.

  • Reacts quickly to a problem or direction change.

  • Recognizes when something is not working and switches tactics or directions, stops or moves on.

Foster Learning and Development

The following are behaviors UDOT encourages, so all employees have the opportunity to learn and grow:

  • Displays an open, curious, non-judgmental attitude regarding differences of opinion.

  • Remains respectful in communications and attitude where disagreement exists.

  • Demonstrates self-reflection and solicits feedback from others regarding performance.

  • Identifies individual challenges and seeks opportunities to grow.

  • Seeks feedback from others and uses other sources of information (e.g., professional organizations, publications) to identify appropriate areas for learning.

  • Shows interest and pursues appropriate learning activities that fulfill self-development/learning needs.

  • Maintains a positive and realistic level of self-confidence given personal strengths and weaknesses.

  • Applies new technical and business information/knowledge to practical use on the job.

Collaboration and Trust

The following are behaviors UDOT encourages, so all employees have the opportunity to collaborate:

  • Recognizes the importance of cooperation, and seeks opportunities to collaborate across UDOT to identify and solve interrelated challenges.

  • Works collaboratively within own area, across the organization, within the Federal Government, and across local communities.

  • Works with others to resolve obstacles that may prevent the organization from achieving its goals.

  • Listens to and demonstrates compassion or sensitivity towards others' viewpoints and opinions.

  • Establishes and builds effective relationships by identifying and understanding needs.

  • Aware of and sensitive to subtle cues in relationships and communications (body language, personal agendas) that may differ from the spoken word.

  • Is sensitive and uses good judgment in receiving and managing confidential information.

  • Builds rapport, establishes strong, cooperative working relationships and interaction.

  • Relates effectively at all levels of the organization.

  • Gives and solicits feedback frequently and consistently.

  • Participates fully in meetings by providing honest, well-considered information.

  • Exhibits composure and straightforwardness.


The following are behaviors UDOT encourages, so all employees have the opportunity to develop their communication skills:

  • Strives for understanding by speaking frankly and clearly.

  • Uses appropriate tone of voice and demonstrates suitable body language.

  • Communicates at others’ level of understanding or interest.

  • Maintains eye contact appropriate to the situation.

  • Creates an atmosphere of trust by interacting openly and directly, and encouraging others to express viewpoints.

  • Addresses misunderstandings and misperceptions directly and clearly.

  • Demonstrates active listening skills. Uses appropriate body language.

People & Team Management

The following are behaviors UDOT encourages, so all employees have the opportunity to develop people and team management skills:

  • Supervises subordinate personnel including hiring, determining workload and delegating assignments, training, monitoring and evaluating performance, and initiating corrective or disciplinary actions.

  • Communication, relationship mgt, results driven, job knowledge, leadership style, HR rules, budgeting.

  • Coaches others in changing traditional ways of thinking.

  • Provides support, appreciation and recognition to others.

  • Fosters a workplace that is inclusive and celebrates diversity.

  • Encourages a healthy approach to manage differences of opinions and acts proactively to prevent counter-productive confrontations.

  • Facilitates cooperation to maintain focus on team and organizational goals.

  • Lead or functionally supervise staff; delegate work assignments, monitor/review quality of work, schedule staff, provide technical assistance or training, and/or provide input on performance appraisal, hiring and discipline.

Leading Organization

Resource Management

The following are behaviors UDOT encourages, so all employees have the opportunity to develop their resource management skills:

  • Recognizes opportunities to leverage resources to best support organizational goals.

  • Meets with front line leadership to determine resource needs.

  • Ensure that employees and front line leaders have necessary technical resources available to them.

Strategic Thinking

The following are behaviors UDOT encourages, so all employees have the opportunity to develop their strategic thinking skills:

  • Demonstrates a deep understanding of the organization and how it impacts employees and the public.

  • Shares a credible vision of what the future requires of the organization and seeks to gain commitment to the vision from employees.

  • Identifies opportunities for meaningful improvement and manages obstacles.

  • Develops clear, attainable objectives and sets priorities for the organization.

Delivering Results

The following are behaviors UDOT encourages, so all employees have the opportunity to develop their project management skills:

  • Sets clear goals and expectations that are aligned with the desired results of the organization.

  • Ability to remain focused on goals and commits to an agreed course of action to achieve desired results.

TECHNICAL AND FUNCTIONAL - These competencies are more specific to the job you hold and have the required skill sets. More detail is available here.