Conference Programme

1st Numismatics International Congress, November 26-28th 2018

Monday, November 26th

9:00 am - Opening

9:30 am – Keynote Lecture: Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzano (Labeca/MAE/USP) – Coins and Entanglement: adoption and usage of coined metal for non-Greeks in ancient Calabria (c.6-4th BC)

10:30 am - Panel 1 – Paramonetary exchange systems

Leila França (IPHAN) - Pre-Money in America - Pre-monetary objects and the spheres of goods circulation in México-Tenochtitlan

José Carlos Viladarga (UNIFESP) - Herb, textiles and iron: monetary equivalence through the Guairá hinterland (17th century)

12:30 pm - Lunch

2:00 pm - Panel 2 – Coin and Religion

Vagner Carvalheiro Porto (LARP/MAE/USP) – Coins in temples in Roman Palestine

Lilian de Angelo Laky (Labeca/MAE/USP e FIG) – Coins as votive offerings in ancient Greek sanctuaries: the case of the Zeus altar at the Lykaion Mount in Arcadia

Gisele Oliveira Ayres Barbosa (Nero/Unirio) – Religion and Politics in Monetary Images: alternatives to aristocratic power in Republican Rome. Four quinary examples (101-97 BCE)

4:00 pm – Coffee break

4:30 pm – Communications and workshops

Tuesday November 27th

9:00 am – David Wigg-Wolf (German Archaeological Institute) - Coinage and Religion in the Ancient World

10:15 am – Coffee Break

10:30 am – Panel 3 – Numismatics and Technology

Adriene Baron Tacla (NEREIDA/UFF) - Numismatics and RTI: an experience for ancient biographies

Alex Martire (LARP/MAE/USP) – Digital Humanities: overview and applications in Numismatics

Márcia de Almeida Rizzutto (Physics/USP) – X-Ray Fluorescence and its applications to Numismatics

12:30 pm – Lunch

2:00 pm - Panel 4 - Numismatics and Archaeology – New finds and research (archaeological excavation, treatment, conservation, and exhibition)

Haim Gitler (Israel Museum, Jerusalem ) - Iconographic Fusion in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods in Palestine. Some Chronological Aspects

Bartolomé Mora (Málaga University) - Digital, but Humanities: the impact of new technologies on the studies of ancient numismatics (from Hispania)

Annalisa Polosa (La Sapienza) - Study of numismatic material from the excavations at the Sybaris region, Italy

4:00 pm – Coffee break

4:30 pm – Panel 5 - Numismatics, Museums, and Coin Collecting

Angela Maria Gianeze Ribeiro (Museu Paulista/USP) – The collection of Roman Coins (Republican and Imperial) kept by the University of São Paulo: curatorial processes

Frances McIntosh (Corbridge Museum, English Heritage) – Coins in the Clayton Collection; where have they gone?

Viviana Lo Monaco (Labeca/MAE/USP) – Coin Collecting in Brazil and the formation of the numismatic collections of the University of São Paulo

Wednesday, November 28th

10:30 am - Panel 6 - Numismatics and Education

Paula Moura Aranha (Museóloga/ Núcleo de Acervo Museológico – Numismática/ Museu Histórico Nacional) - The Numismatic Collection of the National Historical Museum: presentation and perspectives for the future

Renata Garraffoni (UFPR) - Material Culture and teaching: considering the Roman Coins at the collection of the Museu Paranaense

Bruno Henrique Miniuci Pellizzari (SNB) – The Brazilian Numismatic Society goes to School

12:30 pm – Lunch

2:00 pm - Panel 7 – Coin, Power and Economics

Márcio Teixeira Bastos (UNESP) - The IUDAEA CAPTA series and the Roman-Jewish Wars:

Coins, Cultural Representations and Power

Lilian de Angelo Laky (Labeca/MAE/USP e LEIR/FFLCH/USP) – Coins and their images as evidence of the political identity in ancient Greek cities: the case of Elis and the Olympian sanctuary during the 5th c. BC

Maria Cristina Kormikiari (Labeca/MAE/USP) – Cartage and the conquest of the Western Mediterranean

4:00 pm – Coffee Break

4:30 pm - Closing Lecture: François de Callatay (Royal Library of Belgium) - Greek coins struck for military purposes: a concept in great expansion

6:00 pm – Closing ceremony