Learning more about the topics

Two complementary ways to broaden your knowledge on the three topics (religious identity, supernatural attribution, and representations of supernatural beings ) are presented below.

The book Psicologia Cognitiva da Religião no Brasil: Estado Atual e Oportunidades Futuras, presents an overview of the Psychology of Religion in Brazil, and then presents a review of the available literature on the three topics and suggests topics for further research in Brazil. It was written by some of the representatives of Cognitive Psychology and Psychology of Religion in Brazil and funded by the John Templeton Foundation as a guide for those interested in submitting the proposal in this Request of Proposals.

Click the image above to learn how to get it.

In place of the planned in-person seminars that had to be suspended due to the COVID-19 situation, we are posting videos of experts addressing each individual funding area. If you wish to receive notifications as these videos are posted, please complete the contact information on this site.

Watching the videos is not required in order to submit a proposal.

In addition to the videos, we will sponsor live conversations with the experts in the coming months. During these conversations, you will have the opportunity to engage in question and answer sessions. Questions may also be submitted at any time via the contact form on this site.

If you have completed the contact information, we will notify you of the timing of these live conversations. The conversations will also be recorded and posted to the site after their completion.

Stay tuned!