State of the art environment for teaching, learning, and research

USNA's array of unique facilities allow the Academy to stay at the forefront of academic excellence and relevance as we develop midshipmen for their future careers.

Goal: design & Maintain cutting edge facilities & Equipment

Support active learning and collaboration across all disciplines

  • Modernize Nimitz Library facilities, as a resource for all

  • Create a state of the art Center for Teaching and Learning

  • Develop flexible learning spaces across the Yard

  • Thoughtfully combine purpose-built teaching and research facilities with flexible multi-purpose spaces

  • Construct a state of the art Engineering Design "Tank", aka Innovation Lab, for project-based learning

  • Replace/repair the Hendrix Oceanography Lab enabling midshipmen and faculty to continue to conduct oceanographic and meteorologic research projects.

  • Through both new construction and the resulting vacated academic spaces encourage multidisciplinary collaborations

  • Convert the Hart Room into a multi-use facility dedicated to midshipman study and small group meetings in an open floor plan

Support the physical aspect of midshipman development with state of the art facilities

Goal: develop a state of the art computing network

  • Restart the AcDean Computing Support Branch model with a centralized computing support group

  • Develop a segregated research computing network that balances flexible access control with security in support of external collaboration

    • Delegation of decision making and control for hardware and software at the lowest levels

Goal: Maintain shipshape learning spaces consistent with the mission of developing naval officers

Refresh academic buildings, teaching spaces, and technology and bring into good working order, repair, and appearance

  • Develop and sustain a realistic technology refresh cycle

  • Achieve the proper upkeep of buildings, classrooms, and common areas

Promptly address safety issues reported by building 1st LTs