Reconsideration Guiding Principles

  • Libraries and schools have diverse materials reflecting differing points of view, and our mission is to provide access to information to all users.

  • All library users have a First Amendment right to read, view, and listen to library and educational resources.

  • The Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association can be used as guiding documents.

  • Any person has the right to express concerns about library and educational resources and expect to have the objection taken seriously.

  • When library and educational resources are reconsidered, the principles of the freedom to read, listen, and view are defended rather than specific materials.

  • A questioned item will be considered in its entirety, not judged solely on portions taken out of context.

  • Parents or guardians have the right to guide the reading, viewing, and listening of their children, but must give the same right to other parents/guardians.

  • Questioned items will remain in circulation during the reconsideration process.

  • The reconsideration process should be completed in its entirety and not subverted or ended prematurely, leaving the library and school open to legal challenge.