Social Emotional Learning at Home

Parents, I know you have a great deal going on and that there will be plenty to do with distance learning. I want to provide you with some resources you can access if you choose. There are many fun videos and activities I think your student (and maybe even you!) will enjoy! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. --Mrs. Rider--


Can I watch a movie??

Screen time is bound to be higher right now. I know that in my house, while I've tried to limit, we've definitely taken in more movies and episodes than we typically would. Here are a few tips to navigating extra screen time. Try to go for shows with an educational element when possible. PBS is offering a live schedule designed to assist with distance learning (available through streaming devices for free, and episodes of programming are also available online at Does this mean everything has to be about science or history? Nope! The resource below offers you a few questions you can ask that can turn that afternoon movie into a quick social emotional lesson!

(Resource Credit to The Responsive Counselor)

Roll a Positive Question

Credit to ELSA Support

Materials: 2 dice (I've also written numbers on paper or marbles to have them draw)

Age Level: ALL

Roll the first dice to get the horizontal row and roll the second dice for the vertical column. Find the question and then ask it. This is suitable for ALL, even adults. You can even drop the dice and just take turns picking questions for each other to answer, or modify by printing and cutting or writing them out and taking turns choosing from a hat!

What is your happy place?

Credit to ELSA Support

This is a great student or even adult activity.

More activities can be found at: Free Resources from ELSA support

This is a master resource list that was created for elementary students. It includes social-emotional learning activities, tips for calming, many educational resources and some that are just for fun!