
Total amount of fluids consumed in the day is vital for health and performance. Women should aim to consume about 9 cups per day while men should consume around 13 cups per day. To calculate the amount of water you should drink per day (more specifically) use the following formula:

Bodyweight (lbs) x 2/3 = Total oz of water per day + 12 oz per 30 min workout

Hydration Before Exercise

It is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2.5 cups 2-3 hours before exercise. This allows you to rid of excess water as well. During events, drink 0.5 to 1.5 cups every 15-20 minutes of events lasting over 30 minutes. To aid in recovery and rehydration, drink 2.5-3 cups within 4-6 hours.

Sports drink can be used if activity lasts over an hour. Sports drinks can help some to consume fluids simply because of the flavor preference. The intake of carbohydrates during activity may also help performance.