Washburn Rural Strength and Conditioning

Welcome to the Washburn Rural Strength and Conditioning website. As you navigate through the pages, you will find information regarding:

Sports Nutrition



School Records

Exercise Techniques

Training Articles

Quote of the Week

If you don’t invest very much, then defeat doesn’t hurt very much and winning is not very exciting. –Dick Vermeil


We focus on movements that are backed by science. Everything we do is to help us become stronger, powerful, and faster athletes. We focus on major movements that are useful in life and sports: Squat, Hip Hinge, Push, Pull, and Single limb variations of all of the above in multiple planes. While strength is a big part of what we do, we will not sacrifice technique or mobility for the sake of adding more weight and chasing numbers. Over the years, students will learn more complex techniques and movements in order to keep improving throughout their career.


The major goal of the Strength and Conditioning Program is to provide our students with research-based methods to improve their physical performance and overall health. A byproduct of this program is that students will develop other life skills such as passion, perseverance, and pride.