Social Studies - Sean O'Neill


There will be several projects and assignments throughout the school year that parents and students will be able to view using Google Classroom. Keep checking that site to find assignments, the syllabus, scheduled events, and study tools for your class. I have included my class schedule as well as my contact information. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me using the contact information below. It is going to be an epic year!

Here is the middle school school supplies list: Open Ellinwood Middle School Supplies List

Class Schedule:

1st Hour: 7th Grade Social Studies 

2nd Hour: 7th Grade Social Studies 

3rd Hour: 8th Grade Social Studies

4th Hour: 8th Grade Social Studies

5th Hour: Junior U.S. History

6th Hour: Leadership

7th Hour: Junior U.S. History

PRIDE Time (8th Grade)

8th Hour: Plan

Contact Information:

My e-mail,, is the best way to contact me.

(620) 564-3136 (HS/MS phone)


High School:





I am excited to have your student in my classes this year. There are a few things I want you to be aware of. First, I use Google Classroom to post assignments and announcements for class. Your student may even have an assignment where they have to post comments, posts, or assignments using this. They will receive, complete, and submit assignments through Classroom using digital tools like Google Drive.  Open Classroom on your student's device to see more information, including the course syllabus, upcoming assignments, and more. If you would like to be notified of posts on Google Classroom, send me an e-mail at and I will invite you. The best thing about this is that you get to choose how often you are notified of posts, daily or weekly, and you will see all assignments posted for that interval. 

Also, if you are struggling with any of the applications that we use, here are some tutorials to help you out: Student/Parent Tutorials.