Google Forms

Want to get an answer from all of your students, based either on an activity or assessment? USE A GOOGLE FORM.

This is a useful way of assessing progress on a project, collaboratively gathering data for the whole class to use, or having students submit the URL for work posted somewhere else. A google form simplifies the workflow and makes it easy to collect, organize, and evaluate information from all of our students quickly.

Secure your quiz with a password

Click the slide to the right to see how

Putting a password on quiz

Use Google Forms with the Littles

Google Forms is a great way to quickly gather data and chart the data collected. Being able to use images helps the littles make quick choices without struggling to read unfamiliar words.

Insert a youtube video of a children's book being read for storytime and ask questions after. Then use the instant response charts to quickly analyze the data.

Google Forms Locked Mode Quizzes tutorial by Shawn Beard

Learn the basics of setting up a Locked Mode Quiz on Google Forms and Google Classroom. Gain perspective on what students see during locked quizzes.


Interactive breakout lessons are great for all ages. Creating a variety of locks can be done quickly with google forms.