Please join us for our annual showcase and celebration of student research and creative scholarship! 

Click below to see a full pdf of the 2024 IdeaFest Program!

All oral and keynote sessions are available to be viewed on Zoom:

Join us for...

Oral Presentations

Poster Presentations

Creative Scholarship Events

Panel Discussions

Keynote Speakers


New to IdeaFest? 

For 37 years, the University of South Dakota has celebrated diverse research, creative scholarship, and academic engagement through the IdeaFest symposium. This annual showcase of ideas highlights academic achievement and promotes the expansion of student, faculty, and community member understanding of the full production of ideas and scholarly work that occurs at the University of South Dakota. 

IdeaFest is a two-day event held each spring. Presentations, from undergraduate and graduate students, and a range of disciplines, fill the day during IdeaFest. Other event highlights include the keynote speech that brings in different speakers each year, student panels to discuss relevant topics of interest such as sustainability, mixed-discipline sessions to provide a diverse topic of presentations in one session, performance excerpts from the College of Fine Arts, and over 100 poster presentations. 

IdeaFest is an excellent example of championing the culture of excellence. This symposium provides hundreds of students an opportunity to showcase their talent, hard work, and passion for their field of study to attendees of the symposium. IdeaFest celebrates both student research and improves each scholar's ability to communicate their research and grow through audience participation and feedback. The symposium is open to all students, faculty, and community members to broaden their understanding of different topics. 

To print your poster, please see this resource!

Post event student resources can be found here:

Student Resources

Check out highlights from 2018

View student work from previous years on USD RED