You're going to great places, Trojan.

We'll help you get there.

The latest news and service updates from USC Student Health

Have questions? Suggestions? Topics you would like to see covered? Drop us a line at

Upcoming Events

Sex Week at USC: Ask anything, learn everything!

Join us for a Sex Week (Oct 17-23) series of inclusive, informative, and illuminating events sponsored by GSG, USG, WYSE, and SAGE with support from USC Student Health.

We all come to college with existing education in all sorts of topics – and the same is true for the subject of sexual health. Whether you’re just starting to learn about your identity, relationships, and bodily autonomy, or you consider yourself an expert, there’s always more to learn or uncover.

This is all about fun, inclusive, interactive, sex-positivity—with sexperts, a chance to ask questions, test out products, and pick up freebies! There will be both live events and virtual events.

So let's talk about sex!

Skip the doc, and still get the tests you need.

If you are getting together with a new partner, or had sex without using a barrier (condom/dental dam), it's recommended that you test to know your status. You can order the right tests for yourself in MySHR and head to the lab without a clinical interview with a medical provider. Check out our quick guide to STI testing.

Have questions? Ask the Sexpert!

Erin Tillman (@DatingAdviceGirl) is a certified intimacy coordinator, certified sex educator, inclusive dating & consent empowerment coach. Join Erin and other experts on sex, dating, relationships for visit at the Sexploration Tent on Wednesday, Oct. 19 at noon, and online for an Instagram Live event on Sunday, Oct 27 at 5PM.

Love & gloves: condoms and dental dams

Mental Well-being

Opportunities for mindfulness and learning resiliency

Busy schedule? Looking for a community to "unplug" with? The drop-in mindful practice groups from Mindful USC might be a great way to slow down, recharge, and replenish your sense of wellbeing.

Another great way to pick up the skills to handle life's ups and downs is to enroll in the 2-credit class, "Roadmap to Resilience" (PBHS 499), this Spring 2023 on Mondays from 1-2:40 PM. Learn the neuroscience behind our behaviors and reactions, and how we can apply these skills in every day life.

Check out the video from professors and practitioners Michelle Dexter and Allyson Pimentel to learn more, and for a mini-break with a grounding exercise.

Thrive Guide for Students

Student Health is commited to providing "You-centered" care, whether it is helping you access outstanding mental health, medical services, care coordination, insurance navigation, and more. The 2022-2023 "Thrive Guide" gives you an overview of services and topics—from mental health workshops, to sexual health and contraception, to education on consent and healthy boundaries in relationships. We're here to provide great care for you. Learn about services, and get tips and insights from the student bloggers of Trojans 360.

Print copies are available in USC Housing at the CSC desks!

Cultivating Healthy Relationships

Compassion. I deserve loving and compassionate relationships with myself and with the world.

Every person is deserving of love and supportive relationships. This handy deck of healthy relationship messages curated by Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services can help you create the actions and reactions in your life that nuture mutually supportive, respectful, positive, and loving relationships with others and your self.

Beyond Healing event 10/18 ORSL lounge 203 from 4:30-5:30PM

Join USC Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services (RSVP) for a healing event focused on how to build relationships and boundaries after experiencing relationship trauma. All are welcome!

Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services is available to support USC students, call 213-740-9355 (WELL) for assistance and information. The national domestic violence hotline number is 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE). Visit to learn more.

Navigating Life at USC: Trojans 360

By: Catherine Chen ‘24

"Ever since I injured my right foot last month in a sports-related accident, life has become a series of unique challenges and experiences. I’ve gradually learned how to live and survive life with no use of my right leg. Below are some of the things I learned, resources I used, and other things to expect should you ever (but hopefully never!) happen to fracture a bone while at USC."

See more advice for navigating USC, and tips for getting the most out of your college experience from USC's Official Student-Run Blog.

Getting Immu to Flu & Covid-19, too

Fall Van event, Engemann, 10/10 through 10/21, 9:30 AM to 4 PM. Walk-ins only.

Learn about Flu & You, get the Zoom backgrounds to help promote flu immunization, and see the Farmer's Market vaccination schedule!

Insurance Benefits through SHIP/Aetna

If you are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan provided through Aetna, there are many benefits under this plan that you can use to optimize and enhance your health — please browse the benefits brochure that outlines some of the services that are through USC health partners, from USC Pharmacies, to USC Physical Therapy, USC Occupational Therapy, USC Psychiatry and Behavioral Services, and more.