USACM Thematic Conference

Quarter Century of Peridynamics

April 23-25, 2024

Tucson, Arizona

Peridynamics (PD) was introduced by Stewart Silling 25 years ago in the now-celebrated paper published in JMPS. We are witnessing an explosion in the number of contributions sent to journals on peridynamic topics, encompassing mathematical foundations, numerical algorithms, material models, and industrial applications. Several PD books have also appeared at major publishers. The wealth of information makes it more and more difficult to get the full picture of the state-of-the-art and the possible fruitful future directions in PD. This workshop aims to review the first 25 years of Peridynamics, exchange ideas between theory, computations, and practical applications, and project paths into the future of PD research. 

Quarter Century of Peridynamics is a USACM Thematic Conference under the Technical Thrust Area Novel Methods in Computational Engineering and Sciences.