Vokabular - Vocabulary

See what words our students picked up along their travels! 

For reference, they each need to note down 10 words a day. The following is a sample of all the words that students have learned during their time abroad.

Dialect words are tricky, so definitions are provided to the best of students' ability!

München - Munich

Day 1

Day 2


irrelevant = Das ist irrelevant! - said by TSA(?) when my luggage didn't arrive (found later)


knutschen = to make out (kissing)

Day 3

Day 4


das Reinheitsgebot = die Auflage von der Stadt - a sign in the Biergarten


die Milz = spleen, seen in the context of Milzwurst (at Donisl restaurent)

Bavarian (bayrische) dialect words from Munich (München)

7. nimmer = never

8. die Aussischm = genauso wie sehen

9. mausen = so ähnlich wie stehlen

10. narrisch = es ist ein Synonym mit dumm

11. Grüß Gott = “Good day”

12. Buam und Madln = Gentlemen and Ladies

13. Ciao Ciao = Greeting or Goodbye

14. Fesch = Hot

15. der Woaß = knowledge?

16. der Heid = fire

17. das Maß = Liter of beer


Day 1

Day 2

= I feel comfortable/ I like it (from the sign on the train above the seat)


Pfand - deposit, pledge, mortgage


die Sonderausstellung = special exhibition

Swabian (schwäbische) dialect words from Stuttgart

5.  das Butzele = a baby

6. schäbbs = askew

7. das Frühschoppen = morning meal where they specifically drink Bier

8. Herrgottsbscheißerle = Swabian dumpling


Day 1

Day 2

2. der Tunnelgräber = miner

3. die Wohlfahrt = welfare

der Spiegel = mirror

4. das Schloss

5. sofort = immediately

6. umgekehrt = reversed

7. der Dschungel - der Wald ist nass - zebra enclosure 

8. die Weiterbildung = die Student*innen haben mehr Schule - also on a sign as we entered Heidelberg

9. umweltbelastend = macht Druck in der Umwelt (from the bee enclosure)

10. die Fremdsprachenphilologie = foreign language language philosophy



das Quatschen = Wenn man eine Konversation ohne im Ernst macht. (to chew the fat, gossip, chit-chat,( on the coffee shop sign)

Palatine (pfälzische) dialect words from Heidelberg

3. das Flädle = Es ist ein Pfannkuchen (pancake).

4. Hackfleischküchle = Little Meat Cakes

5. Arbus = watermelon

6. Faspa = light lunch

7. Knackzoat = sunflower seeds


Darmstadt und Frankfurt

Day 1

Day 2



South Hessian (südhessische) dialect words from Darmstadt/Frankfurt

4. Äppel woi  = apple wine

5. woog = Water
6. der Handkäs' mit Musik = marinated German cheese

7. der Hammel = ram

8. nee = no

Braunschweig und Wolfsburg

Day 1

Day 2



Central Eastphalian (ostfälische) dialect words from Braunschweig/Wolfsburg