
 Student Blog Entries

Check back often to read about the trip from our students' perspectives!

7.1. -8.1.2023, München 

Ethan Carpio - Daily Observation 7th, 8th.pdf
- von Ethan

11.1.2023, München und Stuttgart

Germany Observation 1-11-23 - Nora - Google Docs.pdf
- von Nora

13.1.-14.1.1023, Stuttgart und Heidelberg

J-term-daily-observation Andrew.pdf
- von Andrew

 TÄglicher Blog - Daily Blog

9.1.-10.1.2023, München

observations 9-10 Alex Menke.pdf
- von Alex

12.1.2023, Stuttgart

Tatum Pelletier_Stuttgart Observations.pdf
- von Tatum

15.1.2023, Heidelberg, Frankfurt und Darmstadt

Gabriel Stradtman Daily Observation.pdf
- von Gabriel

16.1.2023, Darmstadt/Frankfurt

Daily Observation Tibbitts.pdf
- von Matthew

18.1.2023 Braunschweig/Wolfsburg

Braunschweig_wolfberg Observation day - A.Fuentes.pdf
- von Andres

17.1.2023 Braunschweig

Jterm daily observation - Daniel Ginsburg.pdf
- von Daniel

 Besuche - COmpany, institute & Museum visits

Our time at MTU - von Ethan

MTU - Ethan Carpio.pdf


Our time at the BMW Museum - von Alex

BMW Tour - Alex Menke.pdf


Our time at the Porsche Museum - von Gabriel und Daniel

Porsche Muesum Blog - Gabriel and Daniel.pdf


Our time at the Darmstadt Landeskunde Museum - von Tatum

Tatum Pelletier_Landesmuseum Darmstadt.pdf


Our time at DESY - von Andrew



Our time at the Mercedes-Benz Museum
- von Andres

Mercedes-Benz museum observation - Andres.pdf


Our time at Volkswagen - von Matthew

Volkswagen Essay - M. Tibbits.pdf
