Fitness to Reside

The Policy

The University has a Fitness to Reside policy. This relates to a student's ability to live well with others, observing rules and norms that promote a pleasant and safe living environment in an University allocated or third party nominated hall.

A student's fitness to reside may come into question for lots of different reasons. These could be present before you become a resident, or develop whilst you are in halls. For example. you could flat a mental health issue before moving in or someone may become concerned about your welfare while you are living in halls. There are times when there may be support that needs to be put in place for you that requires funding or alterations/ installations to the room or building which is not available within existing University provisions or by third party nominated halls.

If your fitness to reside is ever questions, you should always first be supported in an informal way by the university and halls provider, to help decide on steps that will enable you to keep living in halls.

If these measures have been exhausted, and there are still concerns, a Fitness to Reside Panel will be called. 


If you are called to a Fitness to Reside Panel, you will be told so. The formal notice will have the date, time and venue of the Panel, details of where help and advice can be sought, and a copy of any documents that may be considered during the meeting. 

A fitness to Reside Panel typically has 5 people in attendance from the University's side: The Head of Residential Services or nominated representative as Chair, the Head of Wellbeing or nominated representative, a Student Union representative and a secretary who will produce a record of the proceedings. The Hall Manager or their representative, will present the case and all evidence to the panel for consideration. 

There are 4 outcome for a fitness to reside. 

Within two working days of the Fitness to Reside Panel, the Chair via the Secretary shall issue the Decision Notice.  


The appeal must be based on one or more of the following grounds and only the student accused can appeal against the findings and/or against the sanctions imposed: 

A student should submit a statement of appeal within ten working days from the date printed on the Decision Notice they are wishing to appeal, which must be sent to the Director of Estates and Campus Services, or their representative, which should be headed 'statement of appeal against the decision of the Fitness to Reside Panel.' 

The student will be informed of the decision in writing, together with the reasons. The original decision can be retracted, amended or upheld. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the student will have completed the University's appeal process and can take their appeal to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator of Higher Education if they are still unhappy.