Block E

BLOCK Captain:

Berzerker : Name1 and Name2

Blue: Name1 and Name2

White: Name1 and Name2

Maya Smith
Adriana Ching
Kendra Stauffer

Geologic mapping

Written Test Only

Teams will demonstrate understanding in the construction and use of topographic maps, geologic maps, and cross sections, and their use in forming interpretations regarding subsurface structures and past depositional environments.


Written Test Only

Teams identify and classify fossils and demonstrate their knowledge of ancient life by completing tasks related to interpretation of past environments and ecosystems, adaptations, and evolutionary relationships, and use fossils in dating and correlating rock units.

Sounds of music

Build an instrument and Written Test

Teams must construct and tune one device prior to the tournament based on two-octave 12-tone equal tempered scale and complete a written test on the physics of sound and music concepts.